Chapter 89: Magical Comparisons

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Takes place some time before Chapter 144 of Family

"What're you reading?" Katie asked.  "You've been pretty nose-deep in that book the last few nights when you had free time.  Is it mastery stuff?"

"No it's a fiction book," Harry said.  He showed her the cover.

"The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers.  Oh, Dad's read that," she said, recognizing the title.  "I've been meaning to read it myself.  How is it?"

"It's pretty good," Harry said.  "Kinda dry in parts.  I liked the Hobbit more but apparently that one was more for kids compared to this so not sure what that says about me."

Katie smiled lovingly.  "Oh wait, was that what you were reading to Dally lately?"  She laughed when he nodded.  "I was wondering why she and the others were talking about hobbits and other things the other day."

"She thinks they stole the invisibility ring from my cloak," Harry grinned.

"Makes sense to me.  Is that why you made honey cake too?"

"Yeah, bit of a guess on my part but I found a recipe for pound cake and did a little honey on it.  Tasted good to me."

"Me too."  She squeezed beside him in the chair.  "This one looks way bigger."

"Yeah, it's a trilogy.  This is the second one."

"Oooh, may I start reading the first one?"

"You'll have to wait for Hedwig to finish it."

"Hedwig's reading it?"  Katie looked over at the roost.  "I was wondering when the book stand was added to it.  Been meaning to ask you."

"I charmed it to flip pages when she stomps a foot," Harry said.  He flushed at Katie's look.  "What?"

"You're adorable and you spoil her so much," she cooed and kissed him.

"I spoil everyone," Harry smiled.

"Yeah you do," Katie smiled as she snuggled into his side.


"What's wrong Hermione?" Harry asked, concerned.

Hermione dabbed at her eyes.  "Oh these are tears of happiness.  I'm just so happy to see all of you reading together like this."  She had popped over to visit and found not only Harry reading, but Katie and Dahlia reading too.  The three of them sat together and were engrossed in their own books.  She blinked.  "Hedwig is reading too?"

Hedwig looked up and narrowed her eyes at Hermione, holding one wing in front of her beak in an unmistakable shushing gesture.

"Sorry!" Hermione whispered while the others snorted and giggled.  Hermione walked closer to take a look at the book in Hedwig's stand and her surprise grew.  She looked at the books the other Potters had and she smiled widely.  "You all are reading Tolkien?!"

"Well you did lend me the Hobbit," Harry said.  "Something about appealing to our familiarity with magic.  I liked it, so did Dally, so I continued on with Lord of the Rings."

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