Chapter 11: Wood You Please

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Takes place before Harry and Katie's wedding

"Alicia, are you okay?" Angelina called through the door.

"Perfectly fine."  Alicia sounded anything but what she said.  "It is why I am hiding in my room.  I am perfectly fine and nothing is wrong.  Now kindly fuck off please."

"Alicia, come out please," Angelina begged.

"No.  Now fuck off.  Please."

Angelina sighed and walked down the hall a little.  Harry and Katie and Hermione stood there, looking worried.  "So, she's upset."

"What happened?" Hermione asked, concerned.

Angelina rubbed her face.  "You know how her and her mum don't get along?  That her and Oliver getting together was something her mum doesn't like?  So her mum escalated.  Scheduled this big thing on Alicia's wedding day."

"That bitch," Katie hissed.

"Then she basically made an ultimatum in which you can sort of guess what it says," Angelina continued, also incensed.

"That bitch!" Hermione gasped.

"What's Alicia going to do?" Harry asked softly.

Angelina shrugged helplessly.  "She's still going through with the wedding of course but she's really upset.  Like, we knew her mum would do something but this is incredible, even for her.  So she's going to be extra prickly and all and I don't blame her in the slightest."

"Should we tell Oliver?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know.  On the one hand, he would want to be here supporting her.  On the other hand, you know how she gets about being independent and handling things," Angelina said.  "It's...yeah.  I honestly don't know what to do right now."

The quartet lapsed into silence.

"I have an idea," Harry said.  "We support Alicia obviously but we can do it the way that works, or the way that people think we should do it."

"And we know that way doesn't work, not on Alicia," Katie said.  She smiled.  "It's going to be hell doing it the usual way."

"It's worth it though," Harry said firmly.  "I'll even take point."

"You sure Rabbit?" Angelina asked.  "Technically it should be on me and Katie as co-Maids of Honor."

"I'm sure.  It'll be worth it to make sure she gets her day.  I'm not letting her rubbish family ruin it for her," he said.

Angelina kissed him on the temple.  "You're such a good friend."

"Hey, we'd all do it for each other," Harry said.  "So, all in?"  The other three girls nodded.  Harry smiled.  "Great, let me call some reinforcements.  At the very least, this is going to be pretty funny."


Alicia glared at the door as it shook from someone knocking on it.  "I said, fuck off!"  She sniffled, scrubbing at her eyes angrily.

"Last chance to do this willingly," Angelina called.

"Fuck. Off!"  She burrowed under the pile of blankets she pulled off her bed, wanting to be alone and miserable.

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