Chapter 12: Proper Hooligan

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Takes place during Harry's rookie year

McGonagall smiled as she saw the owl fly towards her.  Lately, snowy owls were more common among the students but in her opinion, this particular snowy owl will always stand out from the rest.  She was easily the smartest owl McGonagall had ever met as well as many other qualities one normally did not associate with owls.

Hedwig landed gracefully in front of McGonagall, hooting in greeting.

"Good morning to you too," McGonagall said, offering her a few rashers of bacon.  She smiled fondly as the owl gobbled them up, then removed the letter in her harness.  She opened the envelope and her eyes widened as she looked at what was tucked within.  She read the letter swiftly and her lips creased in a broad smile.

Luckily the letter hid it from the students.  It would not do for them to see her so unreserved after all.

She conjured a writing set and scribbled a reply, tucking it back into Hedwig's pouch.  "Would you like anymore?" she asked.  She chuckled at Hedwig's flat stare and handed her half the plate.  "Don't make yourself sick now."

Hedwig hooted and rolled her eyes before taking the bacon and flapping off.

"Good news Minerva?" Flitwick asked.

"Very good news," McGonagall replied.  "You will be watching the castle this Saturday, yes?"

Flitwick grinned.  "Oh yes.  Providing you stop by when you return with a story to tell and perhaps a souvenir?"

"Deal," she said comfortably.

"Splendid, give him my best," Flitwick laughed.


Saturday came.  The morning sun rose, just barely warming the late fall air.  McGonagall had been awake for some time, getting her grading done so she could enjoy the rest of the day to the fullest.  She finished with a flourish, completely caught up and even past where she had imagined she would reach.  Satisfied, she started getting ready for her day.

About an hour later she was finished.  She was dressed in favorite forest green dress, packed a small purse to put inside an inner expandable pocket.  She withdrew a slim cane from a stand by the door and put on her usual black hat.  She inspected herself critically in the mirror before nodding with satisfaction.  A quick spell cast over her face and she was soon out the door.

She could use her personal Floo of course but she liked walking to Hogsmeade when the weather was nice.  Plus the light exercise would get her blood running for the events of the day.  She clutched the precious envelope in one hand and her smile was broad and merry.


Portree Port was a grand Quidditch stadium.  The walls were shaped like large stone columns that one would see support the walk-ways and piers of a port, the floors were dark brown planks of wood.  The air smelled of the sea: fresh and slightly salty but not overwhelming.  Spices and other exotic smells filled the air, adding to the atmosphere.  Flags from all the teams, active or inactive, lined the walls and people milled about chatting and laughing.  The energy was high.  Pride of Portree enjoyed a loyal and enthusiastic fanbase and it showed.

"Hermione!  Over here!"

Hermione ran over to the waving girls.  "Hi Tracy!  Daphne!"  She hugged them tightly.  "Good to see you!"

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