Chapter 59: Jealousy

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Takes place after Iris' birth, after chapter 55

Samantha smiled broadly as her mirror made a dull thunking sound, as if something feathery was headbutting something wooden.  "Hi Harry," she said warmly as she answered the mirror.

"Hi SamaMum," Harry said just as warmly.  "Do you have a few moments to talk?"

"I always have time for you.  Is it serious?" she asked, seeing his expression.

"Kind of?  I could use your parenting help."

"Of course.  I'm at home right now.  Come on over."  She put the mirror down and flicked her wand, cleaning up some of the clutter and preparing a pot of tea.  A few minutes went by before she heard the Floo fire roar to life.  A yellowish blur ran by at knee height and Samantha smiled at the sight.

"Hello!  I'm here-oh hi Bailey!  Ack!  Bailey!  Good girl, calm down, oof!"

Samantha walked back into the sitting room followed by a floating tray and tea set.  "Hey she let you get into the sitting room this time."

Harry was prone on his back with Bailey licking his face, pushing her muzzle into his neck and dancing about him, showering him in canine affection.  Harry flailed a little, patting and petting the excited dog and chuckling.  "Yeah, the ground's softer here," he smiled.

Samantha set the tea set on the low table and sat on the couch, smiling at the sight of Harry crawling into a sitting position and leaning against the couch.  Bailey flopped over his legs and looked at him dolefully, whining until Harry started running his hands through her fur.  Her tail wagged with obvious satisfaction as she sighed gustily, melting on him.

"She acts like you neglect her," Harry laughed.

"No she just adores you, much like everyone in the family," Samantha said warmly.  She poured a cup of tea and handed it to him.

"The feeling is mutual," he smiled and took a sip.  "Oh this is lovely."

"Another Daphne original.  That girl has talent in making blends."  Samantha sipped her own cup.  "Is everything okay?"

Harry sighed.  "I think so, but I wanted to ask your perspective on something as well as advice."

"Of course.  What's going on?"

"Was Katie ever jealous of Lyla when they were little?"

"Ah, especially after Lyla was born?"  Samantha smiled at his nod.  "Is Dally feeling a little jealous of Rilly?"

"A little I think.  She's been really good mostly and I think she does love her little sister."  Harry shrugged awkwardly.  "But lately she's been...a lot more clingy sometimes and sometimes she looks upset.  Hasn't really thrown a tantrum or anything thank goodness."

"No she's a good girl," Samantha agreed.  "You should hear some stories Thomas can tell.  His brothers and him used to shut each other in closets and rooms, things like that."

"Yeah, I asked Ron and he and his brothers used to do that too.  Or try to ditch each other in the wilds around their home."

"Not Ginny?"

Harry snorted.  "I think the twins did that to her once and she screamed bloody murder and made them pay for it.  Then Molly and Bill heaped it on them after."

"Sounds about right," Samantha smiled.  She took another sip.  "To answer your question, a little but it was more when they got older.  Lyla used to steal a lot of Katie's things because she wanted to be more like Katie and Katie knew that and was a lot more patient about it.  But they had their moments and had plenty of fights and rows."

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