Chapter 76: A Taste of Home

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Takes place during Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts

"Someone's burning the candle at both ends."

"Am I?"  Harry looked at the candle on the table.  "Wait, how would that even work?  Doesn't sound efficient to me."

Hermione opened her mouth and paused, narrowing her eyes.  She snorted when saw his grin.  "Prat," she said, poking him in the shoulder as she sat beside him.  "Having me on like that."

"Actually, now I'm a little curious."  He flicked his wand at the candle and it floated into the air before turning horizontal.  He expanded the holder dish so wax dripped into it and not on the table.  Another flick trimmed the base of the candle and the wax peeled apart, making another pointed tip to reveal the wick.  One more flick started a tiny flame that hovered off the tip of his wand and he lit the other end of the candle.  He and Hermione sat and watched the floating candle lit from either end.

"It adds a bit more light but not enough to be worth it," Hermione remarked.  "Not to mention burning through it twice as fast.  Looks interesting though."

"Hmm, could be a fun Wheeze product.  Make one end burnable and the other not."

"How frustrating, which fits the bill," Hermione laughed.  "So why are you staying up late doing work?  You haven't fallen behind, have you?"

"Nope, I wouldn't dare with you as my roommate."  He grinned when she preened slightly.  "I wanted to do the rest of the week's work and do as much as I can of next week's so I could be free this weekend."

"You also did a lot of the Head's work too," Hermione said, shuffling through a stack of parchment.

"Yeah and I was hoping to ask you for a favor, do you mind covering duties for me this weekend?"

"Perhaps, depending on the reason.  Are you doing all this just so you can skive off and lay about?"

"No but good idea, I'll let that be my motivation next time."  Harry rubbed his neck.  "I, uh, wanted to go to Paris this weekend and see Katie."

"Awww, miss your girlfriend?" Hermione said in a sickening sweet voice, batting her eyelashes and making terrible kissy faces.

"Well yeah," Harry laughed and pushed her lightly.  "But she's not having an easy time right now.  She hasn't written a letter in a while and her messages through the candle have been really short.  Fleur sent me a message saying Katie's super stressed and is having some trouble."

"Oh no, what's wrong, did she say?" Hermione asked, concerned.

"Fleur thinks it's just the stress from being in an accelerated program.  Aimee said she's actually doing well, according to her great-aunt but Katie's been overworked and isn't feeling well.  So I was going to pop over for the day and see if I can help her.  Professor McGonagall already gave me permission if everything's covered and Sirius got me an international Portkey.  I'm taking her some things from her parents and Lyla and going to bring over some other things."

"That's really sweet and I'll happily cover for you," Hermione said.  "Can I have you take her something too?  Wait, let's do a care package thing with everyone throwing something in if they want."

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