Chapter 94: Career Fair

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Takes place around Chapter 60


"Hello my sweet lass!"  McGonagall vanished the soot and ash from herself and knelt hurriedly, smiling broadly when Dahlia hugged her.  "Oh you are getting so big!"

"I eat a lot," Dahlia said proudly.

"A healthy appetite is good for a growing girl.  Oh I brought this from the kitchens, compliments of Dobby, Inky, and Fanny."  Her smile grew when Dahlia squealed happily, looking into the bag.

"Thank you!  Can you thank them for me too, please?"

"Of course I will.  Will you have a bit now?"

"We can have them after dinner," Dahlia said.

McGonagall patted her head proudly.  "What a good girl you are."

"Dahlia's very good about eating treats and desserts," Katie smiled as she walked up.  "Needs to have plenty of stomach space for her daddy's cooking."  Katie smiled at Iris babbling in her arms, tiny arms reaching out.  "I think someone wants her McGonaGranMum."

McGonagall took Iris eagerly.  "And hello to you too!  Are you being a good baby for your mother?"

"She's finally letting us sleep through the night," Katie said, yawning slightly.

"Now that is a very good thing," McGonagall said.  She bounced Iris in her arms.  "You let your parents get their beauty sleep.  Your father certainly needs it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry called from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" Dahlia said crossly, narrowing her eyes at McGonagall and little Iris did the same making McGonagall laugh.

"It means I imagine you two run him ragged and he needs the rest," she replied smoothly.

"You make me work harder than them and Quidditch combined," Harry said dryly.

"As I should," she snorted.

"Come on then and have a seat.  You must be tired from teaching and giving me the business," Harry smiled as he waved her to the dining table.  "Dinner is just about ready."

"Daddy made Scotch eggs!" Dahlia said as she led McGonagall to her seat.

"Did he now.  Is it because I was coming to dinner?"  She mock-glowered at a grinning Harry.  "You do know that they are not actually Scottish."

"They taste good though," he said.  "I also made cock-a-leekie soup and neeps and tatties, so there."

"Luckily you make them well," McGonagall sighed.  After a very tasty dinner and a dessert of various small cakes made by the Hogwarts House Elves, they sat together in the sitting room.  McGonagall held Iris comfortably, smiling at the slumbering baby and she gently patted Dahlia who laid over her lap.  "Thank you for the dinner.  Delicious.  Even the Scotch eggs."

"Thank you.  The eggs are a bit of a process but I enjoy making them now and then."  He poured tea for everyone.  "So, you said you wanted to ask us something?"

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