Chapter 55: Poker Face

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Takes place after chapter 48

"So what are we playing again?" Alicia asked.

"It's a Muggle card game called poker," Hermione said.  She jumped slightly and frowned at Luna.  "Yes?"


"You poked me."

"You said poke her.  You didn't say which her."  Luna frowned slightly.  "Though you didn't say poke me so I guess I misconstrued your intent."

Hermione sighed while the others laughed, Luna's expression turning merry.  "You know, I should have seen that coming.  No, it's called poker.  It's fun."

"What do the cards do?" Fred asked.


"They don't explode?"

"No, it's not exploding snap."

"They don't change symbols or values?" George asked.

"No, these are plain regular Muggle playing cards.  Not the enchanted ones you have for tricks.

"That's boring," the twins said together.

"Then you don't have to play," Hermione sniffed.

Alicia snapped a pair of Stinging Jinxes at the twins.  "Shut it you two, I'm actually interested in this.  Continue Hermione."

People gathered at what they called 'the Triangle', the small middle ground between the Potter, Weasley, and Wood homes.  It was a nice place to relax with tables and chairs and the children played under the trees and the equipment that was set up there.  The sun was setting behind the horizon and magical fires kept the chill away and provided ample illumination.  Hermione had suggested they play a new game and the others had readily agreed.

"So in poker, you try to make combinations of cards in your hand," she explained.  "I wrote down the combinations here and their values and after each round, whoever has the highest value combination wins."

Alicia looked over the parchment.  "Seems simple enough.  When does the game end?"

"When a person has all of these."  Hermione handed out a small stack of colored discs.  "You make bets during each round and the round winner takes them.  You lose when you run out of them."

"These are pretty, what are they called?" Luna asked.

"Poker chips and no, don't eat them," Hermione said.

"I wasn't going to," Luna said indignantly.

"Good because they don't taste good," Fred said as he put the chip back down, wiping his mouth.

"We literally just ate dinner," Angelina sighed.

"I can snack anytime," Fred sniffed.

Hermione sat at the table with Luna, Alicia, the twins, Katie, and Tracy.  Angelina stood to watch with Daphne while Harry played with the girls alongside.

"So I'll be dealer and this is your first hand."  She dealt each person five cards.  "You then discard however many cards you want and draw that many.  Then we bet and reveal your hand and see who wins.  You can also fold if you don't think you have a chance at winning."

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