Chapter 125: Rubric

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Takes place after chapter 110

"Auntie Hermione, we need help."

"Of course girls."  Hermione pushed her work to one side and turned to face the bunnies directly.  "What can I do for you?"

"What's the thing when you grade something?" Dahlia asked.

"Like how to grade something?" Hermione asked.  She hummed when they nodded.  "A criterion or a rubric?"

"Yeah that, how do we make one?" Hailey asked.

"It depends on what you are grading or judging," Hermione said.  "You generally have to craft the rubric for a specific thing.  You can't always grade one thing the same way as another because the conditions are different.  For example, you can't judge favorite soups against favorite flavor of biscuit after all."

"Chocolate chip," Dahlia said automatically.

"Peanut butter," Hailey said, frowning.

"Oatmeal raisin," Hadley said.  She glared back at Hailey.  "What?"

"No one likes oatmeal raisin!"

"I like oatmeal raisin!"

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

"You're gross and wrong!"

"You're wrong and gross!"

"Alright girls, first of all, no need to fight over biscuit flavors," Hermione said with a smile, gently pushing Hailey and Hadley apart as the two started pushing each other.  "Second of all, the best flavor is clearly brown sugar."  She continued when the three little girls looked up at her with scowls and snorts.  "But back to the original topic, you need to craft a rubric to fully examine what you are wanting to grade.  What are you trying to determine, anyways?"

"The best flyer," Hadley said.

"Oh boy, that's going to cause a bit of ruckus," Hermione said.  "I assume you mean out of the people here at the Village?"  She conjured a floating blackboard and chalk when they nodded.  "I better help you make this then to try and prevent some future trouble."


"Hermione, are you trying to cause trouble?" Alicia asked.

"No!  I helped to try and prevent trouble!"

Everyone in the Village gathered at the Pitch, summoned by the bunnies.  They made themselves comfortable and looked at the floating blackboard with interest.

"Besides," Hermione continued, "it wasn't my idea to begin with."

"You're blaming the children?!" Alicia gasped.

"Yes," Hermione said firmly.

"Okay, fair enough," Alicia said easily.  She looked at the board.  "You did a good job with coming up with this rubric."

"Speed, Agility, Safety, and Flair?" Angelina asked, reading the board.

"Flair is apparently important," Hermione said.  She snorted when the Quidditch players nodded.  "Of course it is."

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