Chapter 141: Pirates of Potter Village

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Takes place after chapter 114

"Daddy/Papa Harry?"

"Yes girls?" Harry said, looking up with a smile.

"We need help," Dahlia said and Hailey and Hadley nodded in agreement.

"What can I do to help?" he asked, wholly serious.

"We want to be pirates."

"Okay," Harry said, not bothering to ask the obvious question.  "I don't know how to help with that though."

"We need a ship," Hadley said.

"Oh, well, hmm, at least I can sort of help with that then."  Harry thought for a moment.  "Right.  I got an idea."  He went to the cellar of their house and moved a few boxes around with the bunnies holding up a lantern for him.  "Let me see.  I'm pretty sure I had it here and-ah ha yup, found it!"  He pulled a bundle of rolled up cloth from a box and carried it outdoors.

"That looks like mummy's cloud," Dahlia said excitedly at the long cloth hammock that Harry unfurled.

"It's one of the early prototypes," Harry smiled.  "It floats and can carry a person or two, but the cloud part didn't work as well.  The material wasn't good for it.  But it can carry two adults so you three shouldn't be a problem.  Just in case though."  He waved his wand over it a few times and murmured several incantations.  "There, some more reinforcement, floats a bit lower over the ground to limit getting hurt from falling."

He had the girls bring him a few older blankets that he stuck to the sides of the hammock and transfigured them to look like wood.  A thin pole stood in the center as a mast and a sheet was stuck to it for a sail.  He then took an older pizza paddle and wrote a few runes on it so that it emitted a very light breeze and with some testing, it pushed the newly made floating pirate ship at a gentle pace.

The girls dashed around it and cheered, hugging Harry hard.  "Thank you!" they shouted.

"You're welcome!"  Harry patted the newly made ship.  "I'm pretty impressed that it works."

"We need clothes and a flag," Hailey said.

"That I can't really help with as well, but I'm sure Auntie Luna can," Harry said.  "You also need a name for the ship."

The girls looked at each other for a moment.  "The Hedwig!" they said together.

"Perfect," Harry grinned.  He did some more transfiguration and fitted the front of the ship with a bowsprit and a stylized wooden carving of Hedwig with wings outstretched at the front.  He then wrote Hedwig on both sides of the bow.  "There, now it's pretty much ready," he smiled.  He kissed the enthusiastic girls back and watched them sail off in the ship towards Luna's house.


"I love it," Luna exclaimed, seeing the ship drift slowly into her gardens.  "What a lovely ship!"

"Thank you!" the girls trilled.

"Daddy is the best," Dahlia said.

"He sure is," Luna agreed.  "Marvelous spellwork."

"Can you help us with pirate clothes and a flag?" Hadley asked.

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