Chapter 97: Hide and Seek

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Takes place after chapter 55

"Everything okay girls?" Katie asked, seeing Hadley, Hailey, and Dahlia lying on the grass.

"Yes Mummy, KatiMum," the girls said in lethargic unison.

"You don't sound it," Katie said with a raised eyebrow.

"We just don't know what to do," Dahlia said.  "We can't decide on a game and we did all our homework but don't want to get more right now."

"Hmm, it's still a bit early to start preparing for dinner, want to go swimming in the creek?"

"The bugs are bitey today," Hailey said dispiritedly.  "We checked."

"Want to go flying?  I'll be happy to come watch you," Katie offered.

"We thought about that too but we weren't in the mood," Hadley said tiredly.

"Poor things, can't decide on something," Katie teased.

"It's so sad," Dahlia said, the picture of depression.

Katie stifled a chuckle, bouncing Iris in her arms.  Suddenly she was reminded of a time where she and Lyla were in a similar state of self-inflicted somberness and their mother had a face of sheer exasperation.  "I suppose you could just lie about and bemoan," she smiled.

"We're already doing that," Hailey sighed.

"What is the problem?" Alicia asked as she walked up.  "Is something wrong?"

"No, the girls just don't know what to do," Katie said.

"I can think of some chores," Alicia said.  The girls groaned at that.

"Oh!"  Dahlia sat up.  "Last time you made up the scavenger hunt for us, AliMum."

"Oh right, that did happen the last time you lot were bored."  Alicia snorted at the hopeful looks the three bunnies gave her.  "I'm not sure if I can be that creative right now."

"Hey, I have an idea," Katie said enthusiastically. "How about hide and seek?"

"I guess we could do that," Hadley said, looking at the other two girls.

"But here's a twist, you come looking for us," Katie continued.  "We adults will hide in the village and you three come seeking us."

"That sounds like fun!" Dahlia said and the other two nodded eagerly.

"Hmmm, that does sound like fun," Alicia said slowly.

"You can't use magic to hide though," Hadley said.  "That wouldn't be fair."

"Agreed," Alicia said.  She smiled.  "Let me see who's about and wants to play."  Her smile grew as the three girls clapped excitedly.

In a short time, Harry, Katie, Hermione, Daphne, Tracy, Angelina, Oliver, Alicia, Tonks, Lyla, Mirabelle, and Luna were assembled in the Triangle.  "Here are the rules," Daphne said.  "The adults will hide around the village and will not use magic to hide.  The three girls will hunt for them as a team and when found, they will bring the adult back here.  I will keep track of time and if the girls can find everyone within the limit, there will be an extra prize for them."

"Do we get a prize if they don't get us within the limit?" Tracy asked.

"That will be fair," Daphne agreed.  "I will sit out for this game and watch the babies and enjoy the show.  I will also not help the girls aside from general hints if they ask for them, providing I know the hiding spot of course."

"You don't want to play?" Dahlia asked, concerned.

"I will be very happy with watching this time," Daphne assured her.  "And next time I will hide and play."

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