Chapter 23: Precious Duty

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Takes place after Dahlia's birth.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous but I am," Katie said.

"Because it'll be the first time someone babysits Dally that isn't immediate family," Harry replied.

"Alicia and Angelina have babysat before though."

"Like I said, immediate family."

Katie smiled.  "Don't you consider Hermione and Luna as family too?"

"Okay, immediate family with children then," Harry laughed.  "Though you're not wrong, it does feel a little different when it's not Angelina or Alicia."

"I know they'll be good but I'm still a little worried I guess," she sighed.  She looked at the little bundle that Harry held.

"They're coming in shifts and they're all very smart," Harry said.  He looked like he was speaking aloud to calm his own fears a little.  "And we're only a mirror call away."

Katie nodded.  "Yeah and we could use a day off too here and there, or so Mum and Andi say."

"It'll be healthy for all of us."  Harry smiled as Dahlia yawned.  "Besides, Dally is a good baby.  She won't cause trouble."  He noticed Katie's crooked eyebrow.  "What?  She is."

"You haven't noticed that she's a little better with you?"

"Is she?"

Katie shook her head and smiled.  "We should hit the liquor store on the way home.  I have a feeling the others are going to need it when we get back."

"What aren't you telling me?  What's wrong with Dahlia?!"

"Nothing," Katie soothed.  "Nothing at all."

"She's a very good baby," he insisted.

"Yes, yes she is," Katie said.  "For you," she whispered.


Harry blinked as Daphne put her bag down and undid the latches, rolling it out.  All sorts of things appeared neatly and securely: bandages, potion ingredients, toys, among other things.  "Uh, we have that stuff here."

"I know, but I came prepared," Daphne said.

"Wow, it's like a portable baby station bag," Katie admired.

"That's because it is one," Tracy said.  "My mum and Daphne's mother almost had a heart attack when Daphne brought it home one day.  Me too if I'm being honest."

"I told you that I bought it for Dahlia," Daphne sniffed while Harry and Katie laughed.  "I told you that morning before I left."

Tracy snorted.  "I know you did and I remembered but I still had a panic attack when I saw you with it."

"Well, I guess you really are prepared for anything," Katie said.  "Her milk is in the cold box and warm it a bit before you give it to her.  She's sleeping now and will probably be like that for a while yet."

"I did extensive research," Daphne said confidently.  "Dahlia will be fine.  You two can enjoy your day and rest assured nothing will happen."

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