Chapter 81: Two Faces, One Coin

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Takes place during chapter 46

Daphne sighed softly and blushed when she heard the wolf-whistle behind her.  She tried to fight the growing smile on her lips but much like the whistler, it was persistent and would not be denied.

"Hey Babe, has anyone told you that you're sexy?"

"Only one person," Daphne replied, not turning around from the counter.  "And she says it often."

"Sounds like she's got good taste."  Tracy leaned against the counter and batted her eyes at Daphne.  "Come here often?"  She smiled at the withering look Daphne gave her.

"Quite frequently, considering it is our home and our kitchen," Daphne said, trying her hardest to banish the smile on her lips.  "You're ridiculous."

"And you're ridiculously sexy," Tracy said without an ounce of shame.

"I look like I swallowed a melon," Daphne protested.

"A sexy melon."

Daphne finally laughed.  "You need to work on your vocabulary."

"I'll put it on my to-do list.  Speaking of..." Tracy snorted when Daphne poked her.

"You're incorrigible," Daphne smiled.

"And you're...I got nothing for that," Tracy laughed.  "How're you feeling?"

Daphne patted her abdomen.  "I am feeling pretty good.  Swollen of course and the other day it took me a few tries to summon something to me but feel good otherwise."

Tracy patted her bump gently.  "That's good.  You be good to Mummy; you hear me in there?"

"She hears you," Daphne smiled lovingly.

"What're you planning for today?"

"Just finishing up a report to send to Mistress Castor and then will make my way to Harry and Katie.  I want to spend some time with Iris today."

"Want me to come with you?  I can head into the office later."

"I can walk down the lane by myself.  I am pregnant, not ill."

"I know, just saying."

Daphne smiled and patted Tracy's cheek.  "I appreciate your concern but I will be fine.  I feel fine and really want to help take care of our goddaughter."

"Maybe we should have waited a little while to have our own," Tracy said gently.  "I know you want to help with Iris but you have to care for yourself too."

"True but I want our child to grow up with Iris.  We were fortunate that the timing worked out where they will be less than a full year apart."  Daphne looked troubled for a moment before shaking the expression away.  "I am fully capable of being the best godmother to Iris while carrying and caring for our own child."

"I know."

Daphne narrowed an eye.  "What is that look for?"

"What look?"  Tracy's face was the picture of insincere innocence.


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