Chapter 99: Mastery

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Takes place shortly after Feathered Family

"You look nervous.  Why are you nervous?"

McGonagall glared at a smirking Marchbanks.  "You know full well why I am nervous."

"It's not like you're the one performing the Mastery Demonstration."

"No, but he is my apprentice and I am nervous for him," McGonagall sniffed.

"Worried that he will not pass?"

"Bite your tongue!  I have complete and utter faith in him."  She sighed.  "It is a rather nerve-wracking experience however."

Marchbanks snorted.  "To put it lightly.  You shouldn't be worried or nervous.  I've read every report on him these years and read every paper you and he penned and released.  He is more than capable."

McGonagall smiled.  "He has worked very hard all these years."

"If any other did what he has, they would have easily been a Confirmed Master a long time ago."  Marchbanks snickered.  "Poor lad.  Kept working by a draconian Mistress and pushed to the limits of a program and beyond."

"I will not be shamed for having high standards," McGonagall sniffed.  "He clearly is talented enough to become an Accomplished Master.  He has managed to work to the point of demonstration and qualification while having a family and a successful Quidditch career."

"I'm still amused that you made him a Junior Master so long ago and without his knowledge," Marchbanks laughed.

"It was rather funny," McGonagall laughed.  She looked at the program paper and blanched a little.  "Still, when I did my Demonstration, my panel was nowhere near as intimidating."

"I was surprised too when I was asked by them to join the panel," Marchbanks said seriously.  "Harry's work has spanned the globe and caught the eye of other Masters and Mistresses."

"Those that specialize in our branch of magic have always been interested in each other," McGonagall said softly.

"He already had people interested in him after his O.W.L.s."  Marchbanks smiled fondly.  "And you had strong feelings in regard to that.  Did anyone ever take you up on the duel offer?"

"None," McGonagall said smugly.

Marchbanks patted her shoulder.  "I should give you a break.  You're just being a McGonaMum after all."

McGonagall hissed as Marchbanks laughed.  "Watch yourself Gilly."

"Unlike the vast majority of people in the world, you don't scare me," she snorted.


"You look nervous."  Daphne smiled encouragingly.  "I personally do not think you have any reason to be."

Harry fiddled with his tie.  "I'm super nervous actually."

"You've worked so hard and know your material though," Hermione said.

"But I have to prove it in front of other Accomplished Masters and Mistresses."

"Professor McGonagall is an Accomplished Mistress," Daphne said.

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