Chapter 149: On Campaign

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Takes place after chapter 134.

“Why are you green?” Daphne asked, bemused.

“Just getting into character,” Ron said comfortably.  He sat back in his chair, his skin a deep green that looked unnaturally natural somehow. 

“A pillock that fell into a vat of peas?” Harry asked.

Ron kicked him in the knee and deftly dodged the reprisal kick.  “No, jerk.  It helps me feel more like my character: Weavley Ronaldo Billsby, half-orc bard specializing in in singing and other oral magics.”

“Oral magics, eh?” Tracy smirked.

Hermione made a noise of deep disgust.  “No, no no no.  No expounding on that.  I do not need that mental image involving any of you.”

“Fine, I’ll ask Hannah later,” Tracy sniffed, wincing when Daphne pinched her side.

“Go for it, I got nothing to hide,” Ron said, puffing his chest out a little.

“Oh but you really should,” Harry remarked.  “Stop kicking me!”

Luna frowned at them from over the screen that blocked off her part of the long table.  “Children,” she said sternly in a tone that many of them found very reminiscent of someone they knew well.  “Behave.”

“Shant,” Ron and Tracy said together and they high-fived while the others snorted and laughed.

Luna smiled and shrugged.  “Fair enough, I tried.  No complaining when things become difficult for you later on.”

“Hey, that’s petty behavior that should come from a Slytherin,” Tracy gasped with faux affront.

Luna snorted deeply.  “You haven’t listened to Ravenclaws trying to prove a point about being intellectually correct.”

“No, that sounds awful,” Tracy said with a shudder.

Luna had been inspired by the friends enjoying the Dungeons and Dragons game and had made a campaign for them.  She said she would not base them off of Harry’s past adventures, at least not in their entirety, and she had gathered inspiration from other sources while writing from her own imagination.  She had also worked with everyone to create new characters for this new campaign.

“Ron decided to keep his, and I think most of you did the same with a few changes?” Luna asked.

“I like my character,” Tracy said happily.  “So I’m sticking with Bashmina of Bashington and my trusty axe Chopperella.  I’m a dwarven locksmith.”

“Locksmith?” Hermione asked.

“I open doors really well,” Tracy said, miming swinging an axe.  “I guess the more technical term is barbarian.”

“Oh speaking of, did you want a prop axe or one that you could actually use as an axe?” Harry asked.  “I talked to MumAndi and she knows a really good clan for weapon making, goblin, but they aren’t prop or fashionable weapons.”

“Oooh, I kinda want a real one,” Tracy mused.

“Why would you possibly need a real axe?” Daphne asked, looking at her with disapproval.

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