Chapter 96: Ringing through the Years

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Starts at chapter 78 of Family

She waited for what felt like hours, listening to her new dormmates fall asleep.  When she was absolutely sure that they were, she crept out of her bed and tiptoed out of the room, making her way down the stone steps and into the gigantic and empty common room.

Mirabelle sat on the couch and started to cry.  It had been a very strange day and she had been overwhelmed since arriving at King's Cross.  The feeling of drowning had never left her, if anything she felt like she was sinking deeper and deeper without any hope in sight.

She had always known she was different.  One had to when they made very strange and seemingly impossible things happen at random.  Making objects float to her, changing the color of her clothes, having her toys dance, all wonderfully strange things.  Her mother had been concerned of course, but when they were visited by someone that called themselves a witch, it had finally answered a burning question.

They had been worried too with this information, but the witch had explained things to them.  After a lot of discussion and thinking, Mirabelle decided to go to Hogwarts.  She had been excited but also dreadfully nervous about everything, not to mention leaving her mother alone.

The newness and the wonder of everything had finally faded, succumbing to her fears and fatigue.  Now, in the middle of the night, she surrendered to her feelings and cried fitfully.  Lost in her tears, she never heard someone else walk down the stairs.


Despite the long day, Harry could not go to sleep.  He was full and sleepy, but true rest alluded him.  After some more restless moving, he decided to let his dormmates get some proper rest.  Grabbing a book, his light orb, and some candy from his trunk, he drifted downstairs to the common room.

It was not as empty as he thought.  Stepping into the room he heard some faint sniffling.  He felt awkward, he felt like he was intruding on someone's private time.  Then he remembered the times he came down to be alone with his feelings, desperate to be alone.  Even more desperate for someone to be with him.  He was lucky that one time when Katie had appeared as if by literal magic, with Angelina swiftly following.  They had helped immeasurably.

Maybe he can do some good.

He approached the small weeping form and spoke softly, "Are you okay?"

The form squeaked with surprise.  The little girl looked up, her eyes wet with tears and her face red from shame.

"I'm sorry," Harry apologized hurriedly.  "I just came down to do some reading and heard you.  Are you okay?" he asked again.  "Do you need to go to the Infirmary?"

She shook her head.

"Are you hurt?"

Another shake.

Harry thought about all the times the Chasers had helped him.  "May I sit with you?" he asked.

After a long moment she nodded.

"Thank you."  Harry sat in the chair beside hers.  "My name is Harry, what's yours?"

"Mirabelle," she replied softly.

"It's very nice to meet you," he said.  He waited for her to say something and when she did not, pressed on.  "First time you've been gone from home?"

She nodded.

"You know, a few years ago, I wouldn't have understood being upset at being away from where you're from.  I didn't have a very good life away from school.  But this summer I ended up in a much better place and I can finally understand what it's like to miss being somewhere else."

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