Chapter 159: Scrap Mechanics

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Takes place a very specific set of months after chapter 65.

The door to the locker room flew in, hitting the wall with a very loud crash.  Harry jumped at the sound and looked over, hand already going for his wand.

“You won’t need that,” Nathan smiled.

“I won’t?” Harry asked, hand slowly moving away.

“Not right now anyways,” Nathan said mysteriously. 

“That doesn’t really reassure me,” Harry said with a weak smile.  Nathan’s reply made the smile fade away.

“Wasn’t supposed to,” Nathan said honestly.

“Guess what?!”  Shelia came walking over, practically bouncing on her feet.

“Lenfield’s on the corner ran out of pork pies?” Tanya asked mildly.

“No,” Shelia said.

“Spice Dungeon at the market got their new monthly shipment?” Sam asked as he walked past.

“Also no,” Shelia said, narrowing her eyes at him.

“Meggy already said her first words?” Benny asked.

“What?  No, she was literally just born!” Shelia said, actively glaring at him.

“What makes you think I know anything about babies?” Benny replied.

“That’s fair,” Flora said, smiling at his look.

“Fine, since none of you are going to guess right, I’ll just tell you.”  Shelia put her hands on her hips.  “I got cleared by the healer.”

“Was something wrong?” Harry asked worriedly.

“Bless you, no, I mean, health wise no,” Shelia said, smiling at him.  “I was cleared for full-time active play.”  She preened as they applauded.  “And, just as importantly, I was cleared to engage in post-game recreational activities.”

“Fuck me,” Tanya sighed.

“Yes!” Flora shouted and enthusiastically high-fived Shelia.  “We’re going out after the game?”

“Oh you bet your arse we are,” Shelia whooped.  She threw an arm around Harry.  “I’m starting today by the way and you’re joining us after the game.”

“Sounds good,” Harry smiled.  “And the team already taught me some things for going out with you.”

“Like how to dodge a punch,” Tanya said.

“How to drag you out of a scrap,” Nathan said.

“How to duck thrown things,” Sam said.

“All valuable information,” Shelia nodded, wholly serious.  She bounced away, a literal spring to her step, and was whistling jauntily.

“I meant to ask this before,” Harry said, “but how serious was all that training?”

“Very,” Tanya said flatly.

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