Chapter 133: Camping 4: Cold Before 3

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Takes place after chapter 27

"I can't believe we're doing this," Angelina said.  "I thought you said we'd never do this."

"Don't remind me," Alicia growled.  "I think Oliver did something to lower my judgement."

"Ollie, how could you?!" Angelina gasped.

"Okay hold on, I don't think I like what you're insinuating," Oliver said, frowning.  "All I did was take you on a very romantic date, if I do say so myself, and we had a very lovely time together and when you asked what I would like to do, I gave you every chance to back out of it."

"I didn't know you'd want to do this!  I thought you were always making this up!  No one in their right mind would do this normally!"

"We did it when we were younger," Fred frowned.  "Not go somewhere special for it but we did it in the orchard and stuff."

"Exactly!" Alicia said.  "No one in their right mind!"

"Ouch, our feelings," George sniffed.

"At least there's plenty of snow for icing the injury," Katie giggled.

"I have to agree with Alicia," Daphne said, shivering slightly.  "This does seem a bit extreme."

The group had just arrived at FireFalls, except this time, it was the middle of winter.  The wind blew strongly, driving the December air deep into their bodies.  Snow covered the ground, rising all the while.  The trees were frosted by frost and snow and ice and while things did look picturesque, it was very very cold.

"Why do you look so comfortable?" Tracy asked, teeth chattering.

Luna did in fact look very comfortable in her thick coat and fur lined hood.  "I've done winter trips with my father before," she said brightly.

"She also has one of these," Harry grinned.  He handed out slim stone discs to everyone.  "I etched sun and warmth runes into these.  Should keep you warm."

"Thank you," Hermione said gratefully.  She held it in both hands and even through her gloves, she felt the warmth radiating from the stone.  "Oh that's really nice," she sighed.

"Let's go," Alicia said, pushing Harry slightly.  "The faster we set up camp, the faster we can get out of this blasted cold."  They trudged through the snow in a single file line, with Oliver and Harry at the front breaking the ground for them.  They eventually reached the campground they used the last time they camped there.  Hermione and Katie cleared the ground with their wands while Oliver and the twins set up the tents swiftly.  Luna and Daphne drew a few runes in the ground around the campground while Harry set up a large central fire and soon had it crackling merrily.  Angelina, Alicia, and Tracy soon set up the camp stools and chairs and applied copious warming charms on them.

"Budge over a bit," Angelina said.

"Don't let the cold air in!" Alicia said, scootching over some.  She had a very large blanket over her front and wore her coat and shawl wrap and her hat, draping another blanket over her head.  "I just finally started feeling my extremities!"

"Out in public?!" the twins gasped.  They ducked when Alicia threw a handful of snow at them.

"Someone's prickly," Fred sniffed.

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