Chapter 87: Units of Measure

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Takes place after chapter 30

"Harry, tell me you had nothing to do with this."

Harry looked at Ron.  "Okay, I had nothing to do with this."

"Then why did they say you did?!"

"I don't even know what you're talking about!  What's this?  Who's they?"

"Then why did you tell me you had nothing to do with this?!"

"You told me to!  You didn't ask me if I knew what you were talking about!"

Ron sighed and looked over at Hannah who came out from the kitchen and was giggling.  "Aren't you supposed to be on my side on this?"

"You only have yourself to blame," Hannah smiled.  "You're the one that jumped on Harry as soon as he walked in."  She looked over at Harry.  "Aw, no Dally?"

"Not today but I have a picture for you."  Harry showed off his newest picture of his baby daughter and Hannah cooed at it.

Ron smiled when he looked at the baby cuddled against a very proud Hedwig.  "Figures your owl is sweet to her."

"Yeah, she's the best."  Harry smiled proudly.  "Anyways, what are you talking about?"

"Apparently there's going to be a gathering of our House year and it was your idea."

"Oh Lavender mentioned it a while ago, last time I came to Diagon with Dally that day.  I said that'd be fun.  Mentioned it to Hermione too."

"Well looks like the girls decided to go through with it and want us all to meet up here and hang out and stuff.  Reminisce and all that."  Ron sighed and rolled his eyes.  "It's only been a few years."

"It won't be that bad," Harry said.  "Will it?"

"It'll probably turn into a giant wand measuring contest," Ron grumbled.

"I didn't know our wands change lengths," Harry said, looking at his wand with concern.

Hannah giggled harder.  "I think Ron means the other kind of wand which is very rude to say about Lavender, Parvati, and Hermione."

"You know what I mean," he said crossly while Harry joined Hannah in laughing.  "It'll be about comparing achievements and who's doing what and who's better and all that."

"Oh come on, you don't think you've done a lot to be proud of the last few years?" Harry asked.  "The Cauldron looks great thanks to you two and business is good right?"

"More her work than me," Ron said.  "I'm just here to look pretty and do the grunt work."

"And you do a wonderful job grunting about and a wonderfully adequate job at looking pretty," Hannah said, hugging him.

"That's something a bloke likes to hear from his wife," he sighed, relenting and kissing Hannah when she pouted at him.

"Katie says I'm adequate all the time," Harry preened.

"Well you have lowered expectations of yourself," Ron snorted.

"I'm okay with that since everyone else has raised ones for some reason."  Harry grinned.  "It'll be fun.  I haven't talked to Dean and Seamus in a while and Nev's been busy a lot too.  Same with Parvati and Lavender.  I mean, we've all been really busy.  It'll be nice to hang out for a bit."

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