Chapter 158: Getting Bigger

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“Hmm?”  Ron looked up his book and smiled at his wife.  “What’s up?”

“Do you remember how long it took for the houses to be built in the village?”

Ron squinted a little, thinking back.  “I think on average about two weeks or so?  Depending on the house.  Like Luna’s didn’t take as long as say Harry’s because her’s is smaller.  I think Fleur’s took a bit but they built it to standards for governmental officials and the like.  But Tracy’s company does good work and I think the crew that builds the houses there are always the same and they’re really good at it.  They come out for repairs and stuff too.”

“Oh that’s good,” Hannah said with relief.  “That’s plenty of time.”

“What’s the rush?” Ron asked, going back to his book.  “We’re still comfy here at the top of the Cauldron.”

“Oh for now, yes,” she said, sitting beside him.

He looked at her again.  “For now?” he repeated.  “Are you kicking me out or are we renovating again?  Or redecorating again?”

She smiled at him.  “No, I can wait to decorate the new place.”  Her smile grew wider with a hint of something else in it.  “Remember when we said when we’d move to the village?”

“Yeah,” Ron said, frowning.  “Either we were tired of living here at the Cauldron, we for some reason decided to not work here or own it anymore, or if when we’re having our own kids.”  He looked at her.  “We’re not selling the Cauldron.”


“We still like it here…”

“For now, yes,” Hannah hummed.

Ron blinked a few times.  “Are you saying you’re pregnant?”

She nodded hesitantly, looking shy and nervous.

“We’re going to have a baby?” Ron asked in a very small voice.

She nodded slowly.  She nearly fell off the bed when Ron yelled and jumped up and down. 

“We’re having a baby!  We’re pregnant!” he cheered at the top of his lungs, laughing loudly and merrily.  He caught her before she fell off the bed and hugged her tightly.  “I mean you’re pregnant of course but we’re having a baby that you’re having but it’s ours and oh Merlin am I hugging you too hard and-“

Hannah at this point was laughing hysterically and she stopped his babbling by kissing him on the lips.  Her worries evaporated in Ron’s obvious good cheer and she felt so much better.  “I’m pregnant!  Not sick or anything and even when I’m super pregnant I’ll be tougher than you!”

“Well yeah,” Ron agreed, a big goofy smile plastered all over his face.  “We’re going to have a little you!”

“And a little you,” she said warmly, tearing up slightly.

He kissed the tears away.  “Hopefully more you than me,” he joked.  “Oh this is so cool!  I can’t wait and it’s going to be amazing and we can run this place and have a family and all that!”

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