Chapter 40: Grave(y) Competition

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Takes place after chapter 20

"It's a good thing the dish is legitimately good," Alicia said wryly as she set the plates on the table.  "I haven't quite gotten tired of it yet."

"I'm not complaining," Oliver said with a wide smile.  "It tastes great and it's healthy.  I like your spin on it too."

"Flatterer," Alicia sniffed but she did not hide her smile.

"It's true," he chuckled warmly.  "Sir Harry is a good cook but my wife is also a good cook."

"I'll be happy when I make something that Hadley devours like that," Alicia said, pointing at her daughter who was currently slurping the noodles off the plate.

"Use a fork sweetie," Oliver said and smiled when she did.  "She does make it look really tasty.  I've seen her eat your food like that before."

"Not with quite the same amount of enthusiasm," Alicia said.

"Is that what started that food fight you and the others had?"


Oliver chewed a mouthful.  "Who ended up winning?"

"Harry," Alicia said flatly and Oliver laughed.  "Turns out he tailor makes each dish to a person's taste."

"That sounds like him," Oliver grinned.  "Dang, he won without even being in the competition."

"However, we did speak of a rematch," Alicia mused.  "Hadley, seriously, slow down.  There's plenty."

"A rematch huh?  When?"

"We never made it formal but perhaps I will now.  I have been a bit bored as of late and I need to regain some dignity."

"Shouldn't have married me then," Oliver chuckled.

"That's my joke!"


The next day Alicia sent messages out and they all met at the Potter home.  Harry sat on the ground, wrestling with Dahlia, Hadley, and Hailey with the others watching on fondly.

"Okay, so let's do this again but properly," Alicia said.  "We all choose a dish we all can make but with enough variation for flexibility and personal taste."

"Harry still the judge?" Hermione asked.

"Yes but he shouldn't be the only one because he does the, 'everyone makes it and it's all good' thing," Angelina said.

"They were all good!" Harry protested before Hailey pushed him over and sat on his back.

"You're too sweet Rabbit," Hailey's mother smiled.

"We all have a vote and you cannot vote for yourself," Alicia said.  "Practice during the week and we meet next weekend to bring your final product."

"What is the dish to make then?" Daphne asked.

"That's what I'm having trouble with," Alicia admitted.  "We all have every different backgrounds and I've been trying to think of something that we might all have experience with and can make easily enough.  Not to mention having enough flexibility."

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