Chapter 49: Storied History

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Takes place before chapter 37

"How is she feeling?" Hermione asked.

Harry rubbed his face.  "A little better.  She's still sick, obviously, has to stay in bed.  They said the best thing to do is let it run the course but I wish I could do more for her."

"You've done a lot, don't think otherwise," Hermione said soothingly.

"Thanks.  I'm just worried.  I really wish I didn't have to play today.  Shelia is sick too and we don't have another reserve right now.  If we both don't play it's basically a forfeit.  Katie couldn't get out of St Mungo's either today or else she'd be here."

"Hey that's what I'm here for and the others.  We'll be fine.  You go do your job and don't worry too much.  If anything happens, you know we'll call you or Katie or Samantha or Andromeda.  It'll be fine, you can trust us."

"I know," Harry said with a sheepish expression.  "I just...well...I don't want her to be alone.  You know..."

She hugged him.  "I know.  And you know that the circumstances are entirely different.  Go on.  We'll be fine."

Harry nodded.  He opened the bedroom door and went in to give Dahlia a kiss and a hug.  "I'll be back as soon as I can, okay Dally?  Don't worry, you'll be taken good care of by everyone today.  I'll bring your favorite treat home too.  I promise."

"Okay," Dahlia said, coughing and sniffling a little.  "Have a good game.  Come home soon."

"I will.  I love you, flower."  Another kiss and Harry left reluctantly.

"Hi Auntie Hermione," Dahlia said weakly, rubbing her eyes.

"Hi Dally," Hermione said.  She set up a floating desk beside Dahlia's bed and sat down in a chair.  "I'll be spending time with you first.  Okay, let's take a check, shall we?"  She took Dahlia's temperature and checked her over with a charm.  "Yup, you're still a girl."  She smiled at Dahlia's giggle.  "Your fever is a little lower but we need to make sure you have plenty of fluids and to take your medicine.  Your daddy left lots of soup and stew in the ice box and I'll warm it up whenever you want it.  Think you can sleep a little for me?"

Dahlia nodded.  "You'll be here with me?"

"I'm not leaving this spot unless it's to use the washroom.  Don't worry Dally.  I'm here."  Hermione tucked the grey stuffed cat beside Dahlia and smiled softly as Dahlia slipped into sleep.  Hermione worked for a while, reading contracts and making adjustments to them, referencing law books.  Eventually she realized Dahlia was lying there quietly, watching her.  "Can't sleep?  Am I making too much noise?"

"No, just don't feel like sleeping.  I don't like being sick."

Hermione smiled.  "I hate being sick too.  What can I do to help you feel better?"


"I can do that!  What story would you like to hear?"

Dahlia looked thoughtful.  "Maybe a new one?"

Hermione thought for a moment.  "Okay, I have one for you.  I think you will like it.  There once was a little girl, older than you but still little.  She was in a big castle and though she had seen castles before, this was the first time she lived in one.  She was there to learn things and at first, she was so excited to learn.  But she had a terrible secret.  She was very lonely."

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