Chapter 68: Climb to the Top

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Takes place after chapter 60.

Oliver looked around at the crowd of people around him.  He was familiar with all of the players and most of the staff, and close friends with a large percentage of them.  It was easy for him to read their expressions and body language and he could tell that they were excited and driven, slightly nervous, and very ready.

He could relate.

"Alright everyone, I think we all know why we're here," he said warmly.  He waited a moment for a snarky comment or a joke and was mildly surprised that none came.  He quirked an eyebrow at two people and the taller woman rolled her eyes and the black-haired man grinned lopsidedly back.  Oliver chuckled and continued.

"In case you don't," that got a chuckle, "it's because we are Team England.  Not for the European League though, but for the World Cup!"  He grinned when everyone clapped and cheered.  "Now I know most of us are first timers for the World Cup but everyone here is a vet in the European League and after the last two terrible runs for the World, the owners decided that we were the best chance at getting to the finals this year."

His warm geniality sharpened and he looked hungry.  "But I aim to win the damn thing, how about you?"  His grin widened as they cheered once more.  "We've got a long road ahead of us and a lot to prove.  The last two teams were touted to do well because they were made up of World Cup vets and the big names of the UK League and where did it get them?  At the bottom of the heap.  We're not doing that.  You lot know why?"

"We want it more," Tanya said.

"We're slightly younger," Shelia said.

"We work better together," Alberts from Appleby said.

"All great reasons," Oliver praised.  "Anything else?"

"We're prettier?" Angelina offered with a faux coquettish look, throwing her hair terribly, making the others laugh.

"We got you as Captain," Harry smiled.

"Kiss arse," Ginny grinned.

"I'm taking that personal," Tanya gasped.

Oliver laughed and it was infectious with everyone joining him.  "Well that and everyone here will play as a team.  There are no lone wolves or giant egos on this team."

"Aside from yours," Angelina smiled.

"Aside from mine," Oliver agreed with sparkling eyes.  "But seriously, when we built Team England to take on the European League those years ago, that was the primary goal for making that team: people that know how to play with others and check their egos at the door.  We were in the final four for the first time in years.  The next League, we were second place.  The next, we won!"

He led the applause.  "In the years since we have been in the top three if not number one.  The owners still clung to star power for the last two World Cup Teams but this year, they finally realized we have what those teams lack and we are going to prove to them that we can do it."

He looked them in the eye, player and staff alike.  "I'm not going to lie to you.  Winning the Cup isn't a guarantee.  But victory in the Cup League is as long as we remember why we are here together.  We lose together, we win together, we play together."

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