Chapter 71: Champions, Again

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Takes place after the last chapter

Oliver breathed a sigh of relief once the door closed and the noise the reporters made faded ever so slightly.  "I normally don't mind chatting with the interviewers and reporters but I'm getting tired."

"Speak for yourself, not all of us get to have the limelight as much," Silas said, a small smile making the comment teasing instead of bitter.

"Why do you think I keep pushing them towards you lot?" Oliver laughed and the others on the team laughed along.  "Everyone deserves the attention."

"Yeah you've been really great about it," Shaw said.  "It's funny how much you and Harry push the attention away."

"He's only given the one so far and only because he couldn't escape," Atton laughed.

"He's like that on Portree, always has been," Tanya said with Shelia agreeing.  "Which is a nice change of place.  Most Seekers are shameless glory hounds."

"I have shame," Shelia protested.  "I'm ashamed of you a lot of times."  She and Tanya started shoving each other about.

"Where did he go before this bout?" Lisa asked.

"Well he's a transfiguration master, so I bet he turned himself into a chair and waited for it to be clear and dash off," Ginny giggled.

"And risk being sat on?" Cailey snickered.

"He's used to it," Ginny said, waggling her eyebrows.  She laughed when Angelina pushed her.

"Nothing so salacious," Angelina grinned.  "I used to sit on Rabbit in Hogwarts to prevent him from running away when we confronted him with the stupidity he got into.  Gosh, all you Weasleys love to stir the pot."

"It's a family thing," Ginny said.  "And you're a Weasley too."

"I do mess with George and Fred like that," Angelina conceded.

"In his defense, it's felt like nothing but press conferences and the like since the game ended.  A whole day and a half of media attention.  He's a bit shy of it, with what the Prophet did in his early years."  Oliver walked over to a closed door and knocked on it.

The team laughed when it opened and Harry poked his head out furtively.  "Is it safe?" Harry asked, grinning sheepishly.

"For now," Oliver chuckled.  "You know you'll have to deal with more when we go home right?"

"I know and honestly the other news groups from around the world aren't bad."  Harry stretched and rolled his neck.  "Just that I answered so many questions all day yesterday.  If I talk about my catch anymore, my head will swell up and I'd have to replace all my hats."

"And that'd be terrible," Angelina teased, pulling him to her and hugging him, resting her chin on his head.

"I know the real reason he was hiding here," Ginny said with a knowing smile.  "He's missing Katie and Dahlia and Iris."

"Right in one," Harry said without shame.  "Don't get me wrong, it's been awesome visiting places and traveling with you lot but I'm missing home."  Sirius and the rest went home early the morning after the game ended and Katie and a good portion of the support staff left later in the day.  Harry had tried to leave with them but his obligations to the team prevented that.

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