Ashton Imagine

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Ashton Imagine

"As he held her in his arms, their eyes stared deeply into another. All the words he wanted to say; she could read through his beautiful brown. Leaning in towards her lips, her heart was racing; and she felt like she couldn't breathe. His lips pressed against hers, and sparks traveled through their mouths. This moment was perfect and-", you were saying your words as you wrote, but paused when you heard the front doorbell ring.

Sighing, you sat there in your chair deciding if you should finish this scene or check to see who it was.

Hearing a familiar voice yelling your name repeatedly, you giggled walking to your window. Opening the curtains, and opening the window you rolled your eyes- "What do you want Irwin?!"

Ashton held the widest grin as usual and he chuckled- "Stop writing, and let me inY/N!"

Closing the window, you dropped your pencil on your desk, and went down the stairs.

Placing your hand on the doorknob, you hesitated to open it. You knew what Ashton was going to do; opening the door, you ran to the living room.

You watched Ashton run in with his arms out. His face dropped when he saw you in the other room- "I wanted to hug you."

Smiling, you walked into the kitchen wanting something to drink. "You hug me too much.", you quickly looked away from Ashton's hazel eyes. They would make you crazy, and you'd fall in love all over again with him.

You have the biggest crush on Ashton; but you were good at not showing it. You both have been close friends for four years now, and the thought made you happy. Sometimes you wondered if he felt the same way though.

As you were pouring in your drink into your glass, Ashton's arms wrapped around you, and leaned on your shoulder- "I love hugging you Y/N. You can't stop me.", he mumbled into your shirt.

Giggling, you stood there trapped in Ashton's arms. Escaping with your glass, you ran to the stairs.

"Hey-", Ashton laughed catching you as you were running up the steps.

Turning around, you threw some of your drink at Ashton. Staining his top, he gasped- "Y/N!", his eyebrows furrowed.

You just laughed- "You can't hug me.", you turned back around wanting to go to your room, but he held you back.

Wanting to talk to you, you sat in front of Ashton on the steps. Your legs would cross next to his, and all that he was doing was staring at you.

Admiring every beautiful imperfection on Ashton, you both realized you were becoming lost in each other's eyes again.

Looking down you both blushed red. Glancing back to Ashton, you shrugged- "Well?", you wondered what he wanted to talk about.

"What's it about? The story?", Ashton smirked when he asked you. He then held your hand in his, and would swing them from side to side.

Sighing, you didn't want to tell him- "A girl..and a boy.."

"Really?", Ashton made a silly face at you, making you laugh and nod.

"What part are you on?", Ashton leaned closer to you.

You now felt like you couldn't move. Ashton was killing you, and your heart was racing. You've never been this close to Ashton; you could feel his soft breathing hit against the top of your lips.

Staring down at his inviting lips, your words slowly left your mouth- "T-the kissing scene..."

Ashton placed his hands on your cheeks bringing you even closer- "Do you want to act it out?"

Your teeth bit into your bottom lip, trying not to smile- "Sure.."

At first it was awkward, and silent; you didn't know what to do, and a part of you knew you were going to mess this up.

Ashton quickly licked his lips, and tilted his head to the side. Your breath hitched being nervous, but a feeling of relaxation poured over you when it happened.

His lips brushed against yours, and you instantly kissed back. Following you, the kiss was already in a deep, passionate place.

His lips tasted heavenly, and this moment was one you'd never forget. Placing your hands on Ashton's cheeks, his glided down to lock around your waist.

His lips would slowly sync within yours, and every emotion you both were hiding showed.

Feeling Ashton falling a little, you tried holding him back up, but you were rolling down the steps with him. Falling on the rug- you both bursted out laughing.

Hitting him, he hit you and surprised you again with another kiss. Letting go, you smiled- "I love you.."

"Y/N..", he dramatically looked to the side then back to you- "I don't love you."

Your heart fell a little even though you knew he was playing. Chuckling he pecked your cheek- "I love you too"

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