(5SOS) How To Kiss

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How To Kiss

Calum: “So, you’ve never kissed anyone before?”  You best friend Calum asked.  “Yeah,” You mumbled, shy over the fact that you were 17 and kiss-less.  “I can show you.”  “What?”  You exclaimed.  “I can show you.  So you won’t feel like a fool when you really kiss someone,” Calum explained.  “I-I guess…”  Calum smiled and positioned himself in front of you.  “Okay, we’re going to start off with a simple peck.  Don’t purse your lips too much, it should be natural.”  You nodded as Calum leaned in.  He was right, it was natural.  You longed because he pulled away too soon.  He smiled, “Great.  This one will be a bit longer; your typical kiss.”  Calum leaned in again and it felt just right, except he pulled away too soon again.  It was longer than the last, but still felt too short.  “You alright Y/N?”  You shook your head, pulling yourself into reality and out of the imagination of Calum’s lips.  “Y-Yeah, what’s the next one?”  “Passionate.”  You nodded.  Calum leaned in once more and put more pressure on your lips.  It wasn’t rough, but you felt something, something unbelievably amazing.  Not being able to control yourself you pushed harder onto his lips.  Instead of pulling off he met your force, but after awhile he left your lips.  Both of you breathing heavily, resting your forehead’s against each other, “I’ve been waiting to do that for so long,” Calum mumbled.  You gave off a small smile and kissed him again, harder, and with more passion.

Luke: You’d been dating Luke for a couple weeks now and all you wanted to do was kiss him.  You’d stare at his lips, yearning for his touch, but you were scared.  Being your age and not kissing anyone yet terrified you.  You thought Luke would find you immature and stupid, so you avoided kissing him.  “Hey babe?”  Luke asked as he walked into the room.  “Yeah?”  “You like me, right?”  He asked as he sat down beside you.  “Luke, would I be dating you if I didn’t like you?”  “I don’t know.  It’s just that we haven’t kissed yet and I’m starting to think you don’t wa-”  “No!”  You yelled.  Luke stared at you, confused.  You looked down, “Listen, I like you, I really do.  I’ve just never kissed anyone before and I don’t want you to find me immature.”  Luke laughed a little, “Y/N, I’d never think that off a kiss.”  You looked up at him and gave him a small smile.  “Come on,” Luke said as he grabbed your hand.  “Where are we going?”  “Somewhere romantic, for your first kiss,” He smiled.  Once there Luke set you up perfectly, the sun setting, grass surrounding you.  “Ready?”  He asked, a smile spreading from cheek to cheek.  “I guess, but what if I mess up?”  You asked.  “It doesn’t matter, plus, it should come naturally.”  You smiled and Luke started to lean in.  After what seemed like minutes Luke’s lips touched yours.  He was right, it did come naturally.  You tilted you head to the side slightly and deepened the kiss.  When Luke pulled back he smiled, “How was it?”  “Wow…” You breathed as you touched your lips.  Luke laughed as he pulled you into him to take you home.

Michael: Michael leaned in to give you a goodnight kiss.  In utter panic you dodged the kiss said good night and fast walked into your house.  You let out the breath you’d been holding in and slowly fell to the floor.  It was your 4th date with Michael and you’d done so much with him.  The only thing you haven’t done yet was kiss him.  You wanted to, but every time he’d lean in you’d panic.  It’d be your first kiss and you didn’t want to ruin it.  A rabid knock came from your door.  You got up from leaning on it and looked through the peep-hole.  Michael.  You opened the door and saw how furious he looked, “Hi,” You mumbled.  “Why won’t you kiss me?”  He asked, a slight anger filling his voice.  “I-I…I’m nervous.”  “Why?  I’ve wanted to kiss you since our first date, but every time I lean in you leave!”  You watched as Michael paced around your house, he stopped and looked at you.  “It’ll be my first kiss,” You mumbled as he watched you squirm.  Michael walked up to you and held you by your arms, “Y/N, you don’t need to be nervous.  Do you want to kiss me?”  You nodded your head, mesmerized by his eyes.  Michael held you there as he leaned in, you didn’t try to leave though.  You wanted to kiss him.  You closed your eyes before his lips touched yours, they connected perfectly.  Like a puzzle.  The saying ‘Time flies when you’re having fun’ made so much sense now.  Even though you two kissed for minutes it felt like it was only seconds.  Michael plastered a goofy smile on his face, “That wasn’t too hard, now was it?”  He asked.  You mimicked his smile, “Not at all.  Pretty good actually.”  “We could always do it again,” Michael suggested.  “I’d like that,” You laughed.

Ashton: Ashton made sure to never rush you in your relationship.  He always told you that he’d let you go at your pace and sooner or later you decided to give him a try.  For your 2nd date Ashton decided to have a movie night, and you knew it was his ‘move’.  When he was planning on kissing a girl he’d take her somewhere where they wouldn’t be bothered, just in case.  You were excited to hear that, but you were also freaked out.  You hadn’t kissed anyone, ever!  “So, what do you want to watch first?”  Ashton asked.  “Um, a comedy?”  You suggested.  Ashton smiled back at you and popped in a movie, and then he came over and sat next to you.  When you felt his warmth you relaxed and snuggled into him.  Throughout the night you avoided his moves to kiss you, and hoped he got the point.  “Okay, Ash!  I have to tell you something.”  He paused the movie and looked at you, “What?”  “I’ve never kissed anyone before and I do want to kiss you, I’m just nervous,” You mumbled.  “Oh, Y/N, I won’t rush you.  I’ll wait.”  “No!  Ashton, I want to, I just don’t want to mess up!”  You exclaimed.  This made Ashton laugh.  “What’s so funny?”  You asked.  “Kissing comes naturally.  You don’t need to be nervous; do you want me to show you?”  He asked.  “Is that just an excuse to kiss me?”  Ashton winked to give you an answer.  He looked at you and leaned in, hoping for you not to pull back.  You didn’t, you met him halfway.  When you two kissed you felt fireworks, it was perfect, everything you wanted and more.  Ashton pulled back and looked at you, “You okay?”  He asked.  You responded by kissing him, but harder, with more passion.

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