(1D) Confirming Your Relationship

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Confirming Your Relationship

Louis: He decided he was going to just come clean and reveal the not so secret relationship on twitter. 'Had an amazing date with my amazing girl @YourTwitterName' He tweeted one afternoon after you two were spotted going to lunch together. You quickly retweeted it and tweeted your own tweet, confirming the already known relationship.

Niall: "So, a very special girl is here tonight watching the show!" Niall grins as he spoke into the microphone. "And by special girl he means his girlfriend." Harry speaks up. He shoots him a glance before nodding, continuing with his small speech. In the end it wasn't your decision that your relationship was confirmed, but it was better now than later.

Liam: 'Liam cheating on girlfriend with mystery girl!' All the articles said as you scrolled through your twitter feed. Liam sighs as he rubs your shoulders. "You need to tweet about this." You mumble. He nods and pulls out his phone. 'First off. I am not cheating on anyone.' He tweets and then tweets again. 'Second off, that mystery girl has a name and it's (Y/N).' He clicks send and kisses your cheek. "Hopefully this will calm everyone down on those rumors." He whispers.

Zayn: He gripped your hand tightly and pressed you against his chest, "Stay close to Liam and I. We'll get you out of here, okay?" He mumbles. You nod and press yourself to him as you three made your way through the crowd. Once you made it safely into the car, he kissed you quickly, but not quick enough because the paparazzi got multiple pictures and they were soon everywhere.

Harry: A few months after you two started to officially date, the boys were doing an interview. "So, Harry...we've seen you with this beautiful girl a few times. Can you tell us anything about her?" The interview asks with a grin. "Um, yeah. Her name is (Y/N) and I guess I can officially say we've been dating. Just to clear everything up." He laughs as she nods and he continues to tell her about you.

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