Calum Imagine

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Short Calum Imagine

You and Calum were at the beach for the weekend. He rented a little house for you two to stay in. You both woke up around 9, made breakfast, packed a lunch then went out to the beach. Calum walked next to you, his hand in yours while he carried the lunch and chairs in his right hand, while you carried the towels in your left. You guys finally got to the beach and laid your towels down. By the time you had just laid down, Cal was already in the water trying to get you to toss the football with him. "Y/N COME IN WITH MEEEE!" "Later Cal!" "NO NOW!" He quickly ran out of the water and was making his way to you. "CAL NO-" but he already had you in his arms and was running to the water. He dropped you in once you were about 4 feet deep. You both just started laughing and then Cal pulled you in for a kiss. You both pulled away and just looked at each other, but that was quickly interrupted when he splashed you in the face, you both had a splash war and tanned and stuff for the rest of the day :)


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