(5SOS) He's Not There and Another Boy Defends You

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He's Not There and Another Boy Defends You


Ashton: You were receiving a lot of hate one day after Ashton posted a picture of the two of you online. You didn’t know what to do since Ashton was in the studio tracking drums for the whole day. You just sat at your laptop scrolling through all the mean tweets when one popped out - @Luke5SOS: Guys! Please lay off @Y/T/N, it makes me sad. How about we settle this over some chocolate milk? Love you people x. Nice tweets came flooding in and you called Luke to thank him.

Calum: You were at a party with a couple of friends. Calum was busy that night and couldn’t make it but the other boys came along. You were all having a good time when you felt a hand grab your arm and pull you to the side. It was a girl from school and she whispered harshly into your ear, “You don’t deserve Calum. Watch out.” You almost laughed but the look in her eyes scared you. Suddenly a body cut in between you both. “Excuse you, I’ll have you know that Y/N is perfect for Calum so how about you back the hell off before I tell him about this?” The girl shuffled away and Ashton turned to you, giggling. “You can’t act tough to save your life,” you rolled your eyes. “Just thank me, loser,” he pulled you in for a warm hug.

Luke: You were at home and watching the ¾ of the boys’ twit cam on your laptop. Luke had a family thing so he wasn’t included. They were taking fan questions and you watched as Michael kept staring at the screen and furrowing his brow. “Hold up,” Michael suddenly cut off Ashton. “Do you guys mind quitting it with the mean comments about Y/N? I don’t think Luke would appreciate it and neither do we. She’s wonderful and she’s not stealing him away, he’s with his family right now. Now, where were we…” You smiled at the screen, thankful that Michael had defended you even when he didn’t have to.

Michael: You hated clubs but your boyfriend Michael loved them. You were out in one again tonight but Michael was off somewhere and you’d been left alone. “Hey lonely, can I get you a drink?” you turned around to face your sleaze of an ex-boyfriend. “No thanks, I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” “Not much of a boyfriend if you’re waiting,” he sat beside you  and placed his hand on your thigh and you tried to swat him away. “I believe she said no thank you so back off?” Calum towered over you both. “Who are you? The boyfriend?” your ex scoffed as he stood up to face Calum. “Yeah. I am. And I said back off.” The creep shrank back, “Whatever. She’s not even worth it,” he muttered as he walked away. “Thank you so much Cal,” you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Anytime,” he murmured back as Michael came into view.

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