Michael Imagine (Tumblr)

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"I hate you, you... you.. UGH!" You chuck your plastic ship at Michael's face. It hits his nose and pings off. You swear the jerk is cheating with how many of your battleships he has sunk since you two were forced to try and be civilized. You cannot stand Michael. You think he's rude and arrogant and mean and you wish you could eliminate him from the band with the way he treats you. "Ow, that hurt," Michael says in a monotone voice, pissing you off even more. "I'm done. I am not playing this stupid game with you anymore," You snap your board shut and stand up, glaring down at the boy with the blonde hair who is looking up at you, rather unimpressed. "I didn't want to play this stupid game with you anyways," Michael shrugs, "We can blame this whole situation on Calum." Calum had been trying to find ways for you two to get along by setting you up in 'friendly' situations and then making the boys leave you alone by running into the other room and doing whatever in hopes you two will magically become BFFs. It isn't working. You still hate him and he still can't stand you. You scowl, 'No, we can blame this whole situation on you and your insatiable need to win! I swear to God you're trying to compensate for something you're clearly lacking." Michael bolts to his feet right then and there, approaching you slowly, "Oh, is that what you think?" You nod your head half-heartedly, feeling a bit nervous at the way Michael seems to be getting closer and you seem to be running out of room to get further away. "Well, I suppose you would think that," Michael sneers, "You haven't even given me a f*cking chance to try and prove myself to you because you're always bitching about every little thing I do." You swallow hard, your back meeting with the wall. "Excuse you?" You try to sound intimidating, but you seem as fierce as a toothless kitten. "Oh don't pull that," Michael runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he stands toe to toe with you, your feet being the only body parts touching. You find yourself feeling excited. You don't know why. You hate him, so why are you wondering is he's going to kiss you all of a sudden? "Don't try to pull that card. Think, and I mean really think: when have I ever been completely outright rude towards you? Hm?" You begin inflection thinking back to the first time you had a sour thought about Michael. It was the first time you met him, and he made some side comment about how 'hot' you looked in your outfit. You hated him because you felt he was being derogatory towards you and after you befriended the band, you couldn't get that out of your mind and began looking for more and more reasons to dislike him. Your eyes go wide, "I... I..." You stammer. "Yeah," Michael says angrily, "Exactly." In that moment you really, really want him to slam his perfectly shaped, rosy lips down onto yours. "Michael," You breathe, "I'm sorry." All anger has flooded from your veins, leaving you with a scary new perspective of him: You're attracted to him. He begins leaning towards you painfully slow. His eyes drift down to your mouth and you hold your breath, your only though is 'Oh God, this is happening, I am about to kiss my enemy'. But was he ever really your enemy? Now that you think about it, you've always gotten butterflies around him-which you excused for irritation. No, you've just been confused. "Kiss me already, you jerk," You find yourself saying. And he does. Michael's soft lips press against yours, his arms pinning you to the wall on either side. You find yourself running your fingers through his downy hair, making him groan. You kiss slowly, languidly at first and then passionately. Everything about your relationship with Michael has been that way, passionate. Finally, you've run out of breath and he pulls back, his eyes fixed on yours. "Well that was unexpected," He pants. You nod, biting your lip with a giggle. He is about to go in for round two when you hear high-fives at the door. You rip apart. "I knew it!" Calum jumps up and down, "I knew it would work!" You both fix him with a scowl and then burst out laughing, holding hands as you decide to join them for a round of Mario Kart. Everything has changed

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