(1D) Putting Him First

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Putting Him First

"It's the perfect opportunity!" you looked at Simon Cowell for a moment. "What about Zayn? What would people think of me? They'll think I'm using Zayn," you tell him as you feel your dream of becoming a singer starting to slip away. "Y/N, this is your life - live it however you choose," Simon pushed. "I'm sorry... I guess I'll have to work to get where I to be. I just think getting you sign me will be like cheating - especially when it's through Zayn's contacts. I'm sorry, but I just can't," you tell him. "You know Zayn won't mind, right?" you shook my head, "Zayn is far too important, I'm scared he might look at me differently." 
You walk through the door to your shared flat and Zayn rushes to your side. "So what happened?" he asks eagerly. "I didn't get signed," you tell him making sure to avoid the fact that he was the reason you gave up on your dream. "Do you want me to talk to him?" he asks and you quickly shake your head. "No Zayn, it's okay, if it's meant to be it will be," you assure him and give him a quick peck on the lips as you brush past him. 

Louis: You hung up the phone after a long heartbreaking conversation with your mother whom you haven't seen in 12 and a half billion years - or so it felt. You grab your laptop debating whether or not you should go home to see your family over the holidays. You quickly bought the tickets before you could change your mind. (2 weeks later) Your trip home was approaching quickly and you were so excited that you had already packed. Suddenly the doorbell rang and you went to open the door, very confused. As you opened the door you saw the face of your boyfriend who you hadn't seen in 3 month due to the fact that he was on tour. "Louis!" you exclaimed as you jumped into his embrace. "Hey baby, I came to steal you for the week!" you were suddenly very happy he couldn't see your face as your smile had quickly turned into a frown. "Oh... but I was-" you start, but he cuts you off. "I want to spend the holidays with my family and my lovely girlfriend, there's nothing more I could ask for. That's the only thing I want for Christmas!" he smiles and pulls away, resulting to you quickly putting on a fake smile. "Oh... well I'll go pack then," you reply slightly sad. As you walked into your room to get your suitcase which was already packed you sighed, but were thankful to the fact that you hadn't told your parents you were coming home for Christmas. 

Niall: Getting a call from your best friend you could hear that she was absolutely torn up. She was crying hysterically because she found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her for the past month. "Alright, calm down babe. I'll be right over!" you tell her quickly slipping off the bed and running downstairs only to be greeted by a pale looking Nialler. "Come over here," Niall mumbles, "I need you." You walked up to him placing your hand on his forehead, "You don't have a fever, are you cold?" I asked but he nodded his head as he snuggled into his blanket. "I need you to cuddle with me," he smiles smugly. "Niall, I was actually on my way out," you tell him, feeling terrible. "Please, can't it wait?" he asks innocently and you sigh. "Alright, I'll go make you some soup," you already regret caving in, but he looked so vulnerable and you couldn't leave him like that. You walked into the kitchen and pulled out your phone, knowing what to expect from the other end of the line already. 

Liam: You sigh heavily as you looked at the endless pile of homework assignments. "I hate you," you groaned before laying your head on the table. Your phone suddenly goes off, "Hello?" you answer getting up from your chair. "Hey baby, can you come over?" your boyfriend asks and you can easily tell by his tone of voice, he was sad. "Absolutely, I'm on my way," you reply hanging up. You took a look at the pile of homework. "I'm going to regret this tomorrow," you whisper to yourself before slipping on your shoes and jacket and heading out the door.

Harry: Looking in the mirror, you wondered as well as everybody else in the world - why did Harry choose you? You wiped your tears away and started packing your bag. You didn't want to leave him, but you needed to get away. All the hate had finally gotten to you - even though you promised both yourself and Harry that it wouldn't. As you were leaving you ran into Harry who had a broken look on his face. "You're leaving me?" he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry Harry - I need some time for myself. I love you, I really do, but it's about time I take care of myself and I can't when I'm with you. My self-esteem drops every time I go out or check twitter and even now I don't need their comments! It's the way I look at myself that matters right now, I don't feel pretty anymore, I'm sorry," you say but he quickly grabs you. "I can't let you go. I won't let you walk away from me," he says as he pulls you into his arms. "Maybe I'll come back..." I whisper. "Maybe isn't good enough," his voice breaks, "There's no way I'll let you walk out of that door!" tears finally escapes his eyes and you feel yourself giving in. "I love you Y/N, don't break up with me," he begs and you find yourself back in his arms pressing your lips against his.

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