(1D) Pregnancy Scare

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Pregnancy Scare

Zayn: “So, how late are you?” Zayn asked as you stormed past him. “It doesn’t matter, Zayn. Late is late. I’m probably pregnant” you bit, and he rubbed his temples. “I don’t see how you’re blaming me for this. Like I sat in the bathroom and poked a hole in the condom or something” Zayn said, and you spun to face him. “You knew I wasn’t on birth control, so I asked you to be careful. You weren’t. It was one request and you didn’t do it” you said, jerking back around. You snatched the drugstore bag off the side table and Zayn followed behind you. He stood outside the door as you peed on the stick, and you opened the door slightly, indicating it was okay for him to come in. He perched up on the sink as you waited the two minutes, both of you staring at the floor. You could only imagine you and Zayn having a baby at this point of your life. You were enjoying being a young twenty year old, and you didn’t want to bring a baby into that life. Zayn’s watch beeped, indicating the two minutes were up, and you grabbed the stick. You looked at it, blinked, and looked again. “Negative” you said, and Zayn sighed. “So no?” he asked, and you shook your head. “I’m sorry. I need to be more careful” Zayn said, and you shook your head. “No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have freaked out on you. I was stressed” you said, and Zayn nodded once and pulled you into a hug. “I love you, boo” he said, and you smiled against his chest. “I love you, too.”

Niall: You were laying in bed, at 5 in the morning, crying. Niall was holding you, and you could tell he was crying too. You two were terrified, because there was a pretty big chance you and Niall were going to have a baby. You had only been together six months, and the last month had been straight arguing. The only reason you guys had decided to have sex was because you both really wanted it. other than that, there was no intimacy until this. Until, at 5 am, it all hit you. You weren’t happy with Niall and you were about to be trapped. Niall woke up to your sobbing, and even though he could guess why you were crying, he wanted to comfort you. “You can still leave” he said, and you sighed. “We could share custody, we could co-parent. I would pay for you to stay home, raise the baby. You wouldn’t have to work” he said, and you wiped your tears. “I want to be with you Niall. But the Niall I met, the Niall I knew” you said, and he sighed. “I know, and you deserve a better me. I know” he said, rubbing your hair. You two cuddled a little longer, when you pulled away. “I have to go pee” you said, hopping up and walking to the bathroom. You got on the seat and went. You wiped and glanced down, seeing red on the toilet paper. “Oh my god” you gasped, finishing in the washroom. You rushed out and jumped on the bed. “Guess what I just got” you said, and Niall looked at you funny. You raised an eyebrow, and he finally got it. “Okay, good. So…” he said, looking down. You were free to go, you had zero attachment to Niall. “I… I want to be with you, but we need to work on this” you said, and Niall nodded. “Good, stay” he said, pulling you against his chest.

Liam: “I feel like I’m going to throw up” you said, and Liam rubbed your back. “Does it feel like the girls?” he asked, and you groaned. You had just had twin girls, you had four kids under the age of five, and you knew you couldn’t handle another one. On top of that, you had only had Aurora and Ariel two months ago. Your body wasn’t even fully recovered from carrying and delivering them, and you weren’t prepared to do it again. “When was Dr Logan supposed to call?” Liam asked, and you rested your head on his shoulder. “Today, this morning” you whispered, when you heard one of the girls scream and start crying. “I can’t do this, Li. I can’t do this baby thing again” you said, laying your head on the toilet seat. You started crying. “I will be right back, I promise” he said, hopping up to tend to the baby. You were laid on the toilet seat when your phone started vibrating. You reached into your pocket and answered it. “Hello” you grumbled, and you heard Liam come in behind you. “Hi Mrs Payne, it’s Dr Logan’s office, how are you?” the receptionist asked, and you hit the button to go on speaker. “I’ve seen better days, thanks. Yourself?” you said, and she giggled. “I’m well. We have the results in from your recent tests, and we have a lot to talk about” she said, and you felt the tears roll again. “Okay” you squeaked, and Liam scooted down next to you. “So we did get a positive result, but it’s not what we expected” she started and you looked at Liam. “Turns out you have a really bad case of influenza, the flu. We picked it up on a general blood test. However, you are not pregnant. You should be on antibiotics, and we have faxed you a prescription. Remember, if you have started back on birth control it becomes invalid when you are on antibiotics” the woman said, but it was a blur. You weren’t pregnant. You were just sick with the flu. Liam smiled and you hugged him. “Thank you so much” you said, hanging up. “Can I get a what what?” you asked Liam. “What what!” he said, raising the roof. He kissed your cheek. “No lip kisses for my sick girl, get to bed” he said, helping you up and tucking you in.

Louis: “This is like torture. How do they not have an instant pregnancy test yet?” Louis said, and you shrugged. “Name of the game” you said, and Louis raised an eyebrow at you. “So chatty” he whispered, and you looked out the window. You were doing your best to not look at the pregnancy test that sat on the counter. Louis was trying to be positive about the test, saying he was okay with whatever the result ended up being. But you knew you were screwed if it was positive.  Louis was about to go on a six month worldwide tour, and you could be pregnant. You were going to be alone during your pregnancy, raise the baby by yourself for about half of every year and you weren’t even mentally ready for a dog yet. You were settling into the party, celebrity life with Louis, and this was going to change everything. Not to mention, you and Louis hadn’t even had your first big fight yet. You were so new, a baby was so far from what you wanted. “Its changing” Louis whispered, and you looked at the floor. “What do we want?” he asked, and you sighed. “Not a plus” you said, and he nodded. “Okay” he said, going to leave. “Louis!” you shouted and he laughed. “I’m kidding. Its not positive” he said, and you exhaled. “Are you that relieved?” he asked, turning to leave. You jumped up and grabbed his arm. “Hey. This has nothing to do with you and I. I love you. But I wasn’t ready for a baby yet. One day, I want to have a couple dozen babies with you. One day” you said, and Louis smiled. “Okay, then I guess I’m happy with it too” he said, hugging you tightly.

Harry: “When were you supposed to get it?” Harry whispered to you, and you looked over your shoulder. Niall was fast asleep, holding your arm and cuddling it. Harry smirked and you giggled. You were on a plane on the way back to England, and you and Harry were whispering about your “I should have got it yesterday” you said, Harry’s smile quickly dropped to serious. “So you think?” he asked, and you shrugged. He sighed and leaned back. “I love you, but I don’t know if I want this right now” he whispered, and you flipped your hands. “Duh” you whispered, and he nodded, glad you were on the same page. “Did you bring a test?” he whispered, and you nodded. “Are you going to do it?” he asked, and you nodded again. “Can you come with me?” you asked, and Harry nodded. You pulled your arm out of Niall’s grip and replaced it with your airplane pillow, before you and Harry went to the bathroom. “Come on you two” Liam whispered as you walked by. “Hush Liam, enjoy your first meeting of the mile high club” Louis smirked, and Harry shook his head as you both went in the bathroom. “They think we’ve never done it in a plane” Harry scoffed, but when he saw your face he softened. “You’re scared” he said, and you nodded. You started feeling the tears sting your eyes, and he pulled you against his chest. “Whatever happens, we will make it work. I promise you” he said, and you nodded. You sat down and pulled down your pants. “Turn” you said, spinning your finger. “We had sex last night” Harry questioned, but you continued twirling your finger until he faced the wall. You peed on the stick, and left it on the sink while you finished. You stood up and Harry hugged you while you waited. “We’ll be fine, I love you” he whispered over and over again, and you cried into his chest. “How could we be so irresponsible?” you asked, and he shrugged before shushing you. “Its changing” Harry said, picking it up. He held it in front of you both as it read ‘Not Pregnant’. “Thank god” you whispered, and Harry brushed his hair off his forehead, damp with sweat. You both went out to the plane, and Liam and Louis looked over. “That was fast” Louis laughed as you walked by. “You two look like you had fun” Liam smirked as you passed him to get to your seat, holding hands the whole plane ride home.

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