(5SOS) Disney Princess

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(5SOS) Disney Princess

Calum: (Aurora/Sleeping Beauty)

You father was put in prison when you were still a baby, for various charges, the main one being abuse. You didn't remember seeing the bruises line up on your mother's arms, but you knew every day when she woke up she remembered. And you knew that you would always have the little scar above your eye, from when he got so mad he shattered a glass bottle and a piece of it cut you. He was let out when you were about six, and since then You and your mother had never stayed in the same place for more than a year, always afraid that he would find you.

You hated it. It was nothing you could control, though, so you tried to make the best of it. You never had too many friends, and you weren't involved in a ton of activities, but you had plenty of time for reading, your favorite thing in the entire world.

When you met Calum, you were sitting on the back porch of your duplex, which you shared with another family who lived on the other side of the wall. You had moved there just a few days ago, and hadn't met any of them yet.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said. You turned around, to see a boy with dark hair and eyes looking down at you. "I didn't realize you would be out here. I'll just..." he went back to the door.

"No!" you said, intrigued by his gorgeous features. "It's fine. Did you want to sit?" You asked him.

He smiled, taking a seat next to you. "Of course." He held out his hand. "Calum,"

"(y/n)," you said, taking his and shaking it.

He looked out at the landscape, a backdrop of rolling green hills. You, however, watched his face, the slight movements of his eyes. You didn't even stop when his dark ones met yours.

"Are you watching me?" he asked, slightly confused.

You jumped a bit when he asked you, not expecting his question.

"Oh, sorry," you said, repeating his first words to you. "It's just... I felt like we've met before. Is that crazy?"

You laughed, but he didn't join in with you. "No," he said. It's not crazy. I feel the same. What school do you go to?" he asked you.

"I went to St. Theresa's."

"Past tense?" he asked, his eyebrows crinkling.

"I change schools a lot." you simply said, not feeling the need to dive into your back story. It was never a good idea to tell more than someone needed to know.

"But, really. I know that I've seen you before."

"In a dream, maybe," you mumbled. "But, no I don't think that we've ever met."

"(y/n)," you mom called out the window. "It's getting dark, why don't you come inside?"

"Okay mom!" You called back. You turned to the cute boy. "Sorry, but I have to go."

"That's okay," he said. "I'm sure that we'll see each other again," You stood up, brushing off your jeans.

"Yeah, maybe," you responded, heading for the door to go back inside. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you back a little bit, facing him, where he was still sitting on the steps.

"I'm serious about that," he said, a twinkle in his eyes. "I really do want to see you again."

The ends of your mouth curled up into a small smile. "Yeah." you said. "Me too. I'll see you later, Calum."

You turned the doorknob and walked into your section of the house, collapsing on the beaten-up couch in a daze. Your mom, in the kitchen, noticed you come in and excitedly skipped to your side, bopping the top of your head with a magazine. She could be just like a child at times, and you loved her for it. It kept you grounded in your sometimes hectic life, how this woman who had been through so much still had reason to smile.

"I've got news," she said, while a huge grin on her face.

"What kind of news?" you asked, only half listening to what she was said.

"We're going... on a trip." she said, smiling even bigger.

"Where?" you immediately popped right up, paying more attention.

"I booked us a cabin next to a lake a few months ago with some extra cash that I saved from working. We're leaving in a few hours. I already have your suitcase out of the closet, all you need to do is pack it for a week, and we'll leave!"

You sat there in shock. "We're really going?"

She nodded, and poked a finger in your stomach. "So get packed, missy. I'm waiting on you."

You rushed upstairs to pack some clothes, opening your personal closet, when you suddenly stopped. A whole week. You had hoped to see the boy sooner than that. There was just something about Calum that you couldn't shake... and you had to see him again.

But, you resigned yourself to the fact that you'd have to wait even longer, and you listlessly began to pack your things. You changed your outfit to a casual pink dress, and an hour later, you trudged down the stairs with your suitcase right behind you.

Your mom scanned your new outfit. "I like the blue one better," she said. You smiled, an inside joke between the two of you.

"Let's go!" she said, with the goofy smile on her face.

You sighed and followed her out the door to your car, but stopped immediately. There was a figure there, a man that you hadn't seen in years, one who you had never hoped to see again.

"Dad," you whispered.

"Hey, baby girl," he said to you. "You're so big now, aren't you?"

"Wh-what are you doing out here?" you mom asked, a nervous tone in her voice.

"You didn't make it easy on me babe," he said to your mom. He stalked right up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. He squeezed tightly, and you just stood there watching them.

"I-I didn't want you to find me," your mom replied. "I just-"

He slapped her. Right there. You gasped, and your mouth hung open.

"You didn't want me to find you?!" he shouted at her. "That's what you wanted?!" He threw her to the ground, where she landed with a hard thud. "I gave you EVERYTHING!"

You didn't know what to do, it had all escalated so quickly. So you did, of course, the logical thing.

You pushed your dad off of your mom, trying to wrestle him to the ground. You punched his face, but he barely looked fazed as he kicked you in the stomach, onto the ground. He punched across your face, and you felt a crack in your nose, signaling that it was broken. You heard your mother scream, and try to pull your father off of you, while shouting for help, but then he punched you again, and all you saw was darkness...


You slowly opened your eyes, blinking at the bright sunlight. It was around midafternoon, by what you could tell.

"Hey!" someone said from next to where you were laying. "You're awake!" You turned your head to see the boy from before, the one who sat on the steps with you.

"What are you doing here?" you asked. "And where is here?"

He smiled. "You're in the hospital. You have a really bad concussion, a few broken ribs, and a broken nose. You've been in a coma for a few days. Your mom's alright, she's just worried about you. That guy, your dad, right? Yeah, my mom called the cops and I pulled him off you and your mom."

"Thank you," you said. "That was... you barely know me."

He got a cheeky smile on his face. "I know you from my dreams."

"That's cheesy."

"I'm a cheesy guy," he said. He smiled, leaned over to you and kissed your cheek. "Get some rest, sleeping beauty. I'm going to tell your mom that you're awake." He walked out of the hospital room, a slow and easy walk, and you caressed where just moments before his lips had touched your skin, knowing that this boy was going to stay around for a while.

Ashton: (Jasmine)

You laughed to yourself as you saw the boy walk out the front door, slamming it behind him. You could tell he was fuming, even from behind.

"(y/n)!" your dad called to you. You were still laughing to yourself as he stalked through your door.

"Why did Jack just leave?" he asked you.

"He was mad because a girl was smarter than him." Your dad raised an eyebrow, glaring at you. "Okay, okay! I sneaked in a few insults while we were talking. Which is going to happen if you force me to talk to those guys."

"I just want you to be happy."

"No," you corrected him, "You want me to get a boyfriend who's the son of someone who you can merge your business with," Your dad had nothing else to say to you after that. He left, stomping down the hall to his office. Meanwhile, you closed your door, locking it behind you. He wouldn't be checking on you anytime soon, and you just wanted to be alone.

The truth was, you had already met someone. A boy, from when you had sneaked out last night. He was beautiful, and clever, and kind, and one of the best people who you had ever met. His name was Ash, and you just couldn't wait to see him again. The hat pulled low over his head, so much so that you couldn't see his hair, the dorky way he wore his sunglasses late at night, you loved everything about it.

But you resigned yourself to the fact that it was too late to sneak out tonight, so you laid down on your bed, and pictured his light brown curls, and beautiful eyes.


The next morning you woke up groaning to yourself, remembered it was Saturday, and brightened up at the thought. Freedom at last!

Or so you thought. After you were dressed, hair and makeup done, you went out into the living room, only to see two men in suits, (one of them being your father) and a boy around your age. You groaned internally.

"Ah, here she is," your father said. "(y/n), this is Mr. Irwin," The man in the suit stood up to shake your hand, which you gracefully did. "And this is his son, Ashton. Mr. Irwin and I have some business to discuss, and Ashton is new in town, so we were hoping that you could show him around."

Knowing that you would be grounded if you said anything else, you complied, grabbing your keys from the kitchen, and leading Ashton out to your expensive red car.

"This is beautiful," he said, getting into the passenger side.

"I hate it. So much," you said monotonically to him.You pulled out of the garage, and turned onto the street.

"Where to?" you asked him.

"Aren't you supposed to be showing me around?" he asked with a small grin.

"Yeah. But what do you wanna see?"

"Where do you and your friends hang out?" he asked you.

You smiled, thinking of where you and Ash had hung out, and then brought yourself back to the present, with Ashton.

"I'll take you to a place I know," he said.

"I thought you were new here," you said with a sly grin.

"C'mon," he said, laughing a bit. "Don't ask questions, just let me show you the world, princess."

You pulled over, switched sides of the car, and he began to drive in the opposite way you had.

"Part of the reason I wanted to do this was to drive this awesome car."

"I saw right through you," you said, trying not to smile at his subtle joke. You watched him drive, very attentive to the road, sharing conversations between the two of you. He was cute, in a funny and sarcastic way, and was really starting to grow on you when, fifteen minutes later, he pulled up into a familiar looking place.

"I know this place," you said to him.

"You do?" he said.

"Yeah," you said, in a trance with memories from a few nights before. This cabin by the woods had always been your place, but when you had met Ash there and spent most of the night with him, in darkness, it was even more special to you. "I met a boy here a few nights ago. He was beautiful, and I've been wanting to see him ever since. You wanna know something else about this boy?"

"Why not?" he said coyly. You turned to face him.

"That boy was you." you said, getting out of the car, and stomping inside the small, two room cabin. You knew it was him as soon as he brought you there. The place, the similarities in names, you were surprised you didn't recognize him before. He knew it was you, and he was playing you. And that wasn't okay in your world.

"Hey," he said, bursting into the cabin, grabbing your arm. "Why'd you leave?"

"You lied to me."

"You never specifically asked if I knew you from before."

"No, but you didn't think to mention 'Hey you know that boy you met a few days ago and fell madly in love with? Yeah, that was kinda me.'"

Ashton stopped in his tracks on the way to the kitchen, turning to face you.

"You loved me?"


"You said you fell in love with me. We only talked for around six hours, and you fell in love with me."

"Well, I- you were charming. And smart. And beautiful."

"And now?" he asked, a hopeful look on his face.

You pursed your lips playfully. "I'm still thinking about it."

He smacked your shoulder lightly, like a friend would. "You're a tease."

"You can say many things about me, and I guess tease would be one of them..." you replied.

That afternoon led to a conversation that lasted until eight o'clock. You continued lost conversations from two nights before, the argument from before forgotten. You were falling in love yet again, like your own storybook romance. The only reason you had stopped staring into each others' eyes and talking about anything and everything, was a text from your father.

"We have to go," you told Ashton. He made a cute little frowny face, and you giggled at his dorkiness.

"Before we go," he asked. "Can I try something?" he asked. You nodded your consent.

He leaned forward and kissed your lips, not remarkably or passionately or anything, but just right.

"I've been wanting to do that for two days now," he said, smiling into your lips. You giggled yet again, before grabbing your things and making your way out to the red car, hand in hand.

Luke: (Rapunzel)

You didn't see many people during the day. Barely anyone. Your job consumed your life, and having to take care of your sick mother took up the rest of the time. You didn't have time for friends, for parties, for anything really.

Your mother was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago, and was deteriorating rapidly. You got more nervous for her every day, and knew that she wasn't expected to survive long. You took care of her relentlessly, doing anything you could to keep her there as long as possible. You never liked to ask for help, so it was with reluctance that, after it was suggested multiple times to you, you agreed to have a nurse come in and watch your mom while you were gone.

You had cleaned the house so that it was completely spotless. You mom watched you from the position she had on the hospital bed in the middle of your living room. She knew how obsessive you could get, and she wasn't about to stop you.

You squeaked when the doorbell rang, finished putting in your earring for work, and headed out into the hallway, to the door.

The person there surprised you. He was over six feet tall, with blonde hair, and barely looked like he was twenty.

"Hey," he said. "Are you (y/n)?"

"Yeah. You're... Luke? Hemmings?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I am." You nodded and showed him into the living room, introduced him to your mom, and then insisted that you had to go off to work. Luke and your mother wished you a goodbye, and you headed out the door.

It was a relatively good day. Not great, but not awful. And when you returned home, it was even better.

You dropped your keys in the key tray, threw off your heels, and thudded down the hall to the living room.

"I'm home!" you shouted, and stopped in your tracks.

Your mom was actually laughing, and not a fake one. A genuine, happy laugh that Luke was sharing with her. You hadn't seen anything like that in months.

"Oh, (y/n)!" Your mom finally noticed you. "You're home! Luke was just telling me about every crazy girlfriend that he's ever had! Some of these stories are hard to believe!"

And that was how your entire winter went. Luke came over every morning, you left for work, came back, and saw your mother and Luke doing something else every day. You still never went out with friends, so that part of your life hadn't changed.

You became close to Luke, too. He became almost sort of a family friend. You had your inside jokes, and he could always make you smile. He wasn't too shoddy looking either. And the way he could make your mother smile like no one else could... it just made you happy.

One day, he stayed a little later than he usually would have, helping you wash the dishes in the sink. He was telling you about his three best friends, and all the crazy stuff they got into.

"But what about you?" he finally asked you.

"Me?" You said nervously. "I guess... I don't go out that much."

"Really?" he asked. "Pretty girl like you? You shouldn't be taking care of you mom every waking moment."

"Not every waking moment. I work, you know. And... I kinda paint a bit."

"Wow." he said mockingly. "You really do get around." You playfully pushed him a bit. The two of you sat in silence for a minute, until he asked you another question.

"Can I see what you paint?"

"Umm..." the only person who saw your paintings was your mother. But you felt like you could trust Luke. "Sure."

You finished the dishes, and led him back to the spare room, where you kept every piece that you had ever worked on.

"Wow," he said, standing in the doorway in shock.

"It's not much." You said, moving a few things around.

"They're beautiful," he said, walking over to a picture you had painted of a girl in a long white dress. "These are really yours?" he asked.

You nodded. "Yeah. I haven't finished that one yet, I still have to get a few details down."

"What's your favorite?"

You smiled, knowing exactly where it was. You reached behind a landscape painting, and pulled out the smallest painting in the room, one you had painted years ago. It portrayed a mother chasing after a daughter in a field, happy and healthy.

"That's beautiful," he said. "It's you and your mom, isn't it? Before she got sick?" You nodded, feeling tears start to form in your eyes. Luke noticed this, and brought you into his arms.

"You wanna do something tomorrow night? We could grab some dinner... or something?"

"Like a date?" you asked, wiping your eyes.

"If you want it to be then yes. You just... need to get out, (y/n). See the world."

You hugged him again. "I would love to."

So, after work the next day, another nurse took over for Luke, and he took you out to see your small town, sights that you had already seen, but not for months. He enhanced the experience by telling about anything that he had ever done in that place, whether it be with an old girlfriend, or a friend of his. Later, after your feet were tired, you sat down for dinner, joking around and asking your waiter the weirdest questions.

It felt good to get out. And when you were with Luke, the rest of the world seemed to fade away. You weren't worrying about you mom, the medical bills, or work, it was just you and Luke. He made you feel safe and comfortable.

He walked you to your door, hugging you again, running his hand through your long hair.

"You ever gonna cut that?" he asked you. He kept joking with you all night about how much you needed a haircut.

You smiled coyly. "Maybe I'll get a pixie cut. Maybe I'll dye it a different color. You never know."

He smiled, leaning down to gently press his lips to yours.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said, leaving you on your doorstep with a big smile on your face

Michael: (Mulan)

The uniform felt weird, unnatural on you. It made your tan skin look pale, and certainly didn't add to your understated beauty. But you had to wear it. You had to end this war.

A few hours later, you lined up with your crew, mostly men with two other women like you. There was a man to your right, with white blonde hair and pale skin. He was staring straight ahead like a soldier should be. There was a beauty to the uniformity of these men and women, and you loved being a part of it.

Even if you weren't supposed to be here.

After you were dismissed, you took off the heavy clothes and kept on the cargo pants and a white t shirt. You sat outside watching the others play basketball.

One of them noticed you watching them, the one from before with the very light hair. He talked to the other men for a minute before approaching you.

"Stare much?" he said, sitting down next to you. You smiled.

"It's interesting. I've never seen a game before."

"You've never seen a basketball game?" he asked, confused.

"Never really wanted to see one, I guess." You held out your hand to him. "I'm (y/n)."

"Michael," he said, taking it and shaking it. "You're new, aren't you?"

"Got here today."

"You came at the wrong time. We got a ton of things to do here. We're going out soon, is what I've heard."

I rolled my eyes. From what I could tell, most of the time these boys were on base.

But right he was. For the next few weeks we trained extremely hard, getting up at five in the morning to run 4 miles, and doing other training exercises. I got even more on edge with each day, and my one friend started to notice.

"Geez," Michael would say to me after tapping my shoulder from behind. "Calm down. I just wanted to talk to you."

You couldn't sleep, knowing that someone could find out your secret any second. You were constantly on edge, knowing you couldn't be truthful with anyone.

And then the day finally came. You were sleeping in your bed/cot thing when you heard someone calling your name, and the others around youl, telling you to get up and get ready. Having prepared for this thing for weeks, you were ready in two minutes, and out the door, into a helicopter with your team.

It rose into the air, over the desert sand, stirring up quite a bit of it. You sat with your head against the wall, thinking about the choices you were making. Michael looked at you from across the copter, and gave you a small, reassuring smile.

You made up your mind right then and there about your decision. You had to be loyal to your family. Michael mattered to you, and you had made other friend here, but family came first.

There was smoke in the sky, black as night. There were at least five fires in the heart of the city, where the riots were taking place.

You dropped lower and lower, until a rope was put down and the other soldiers dropped to the ground. You were the second to last out, right after Michael. He took to the right, and you went right after him, knowing exactly where to go.

The dust rose up around you and you heard the all too familiar sound of bullets streaming around you. You loathed that sound.

"Where are you going?" Michael shouted to you as you went the opposite way from the path he was taking. You didn't respond. He asked again. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

You started to run, and he followed you closely behind. You didn't want him to follow you, you couldn't see him get hurt. That wasn't supposed to be how it was played out.

He yanked on your arm, pulling you back.

"You're going the wrong way!" he said.

"No I'm not! I can't go with you!" The noise was deafening, full of shots and yells and everything around you exploding.

"You're supposed to do this with me! We're supposed to go through with this together!"

You heard a whistling sound, and searing pain in your abdomen. You looked down, and gagged at how much blood was seeping through your clothing.

You collapsed to the ground, holding your stomach in pain. Mike crouched down to your level, holding his hand to the bullet wound.

"Oh, God," he said. "Hold on, I can get this," he said, starting to pull things out to stop the blood flow.

"No," you said. "No, I just... I'm going to die, don't even try. But I have to tell you something," There were black spots in your vision. "I'm not who I say I am. I'm not part of the marines. I'm a spy. For the other side."

He sat there with his mouth open, not sure what to say. You knew how he felt. Your family had entrusted to you this mission, to find out their plan. That was how your family's side knew how they would be here already, which most of the soldiers were just figuring out.

He dropped everything he was holding, and, as if it was simple, ran away. Just like that. You were in searing pain, and he left you lying there.

You saw something as he was walking away, though. A familiar looking shoe, one you hadn't seen in almost a year. The face came more into focus as it got closer and leaned down to you, even though your vision was spinning. It was your father.

"Hello, honey," he said. "Looks like you didn't do too well, huh?"

In that moment, you despised him. Despised him for hurting your friends, for hurting you, and not giving a damn, just sitting there with a smirk on his face.

Cautiously, with letting him know what you were doing, you reached for your small handgun, he was trying to get a better look at your wound, when you pulled the trigger.

His body fell aside as you blacked out.


The hospital. Or heaven? Did heaven have strange beeping sounds and the quiet whisperings of others?

No, definitely not heaven. Which meant you were still alive.

"Hey, (y/n)," a male voice said A voice that belonged to a pale, scrawny boy with white-blonde hair.

"I thought you hated me." You murmured playfully.

Even though you couldn't see him, you knew he was smiling.

"You killed the leader of the resistance. I didn't tell anyone, and no one needs to know."

"I killed my father," you whispered to him.

You knew he was smiling again, because this time you could feel it as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.


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