Michael Imagine #2

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(AN" This is probably the longest imagine EVER written. I hope you like it anyways!!)

Yeah I wish I'd been a, wish I'd been a teen, teen idle.

Wish I'd been a prom queen fighting for the title.

The words flow out of your pen onto the sheet so effortlessly.

The wasted years, the wated youth.

The pretty lies the ugly truth.

You loved writing songs, but you never shared any of them, you were too shy. You've probably written over 100 of them, it was your passion really. You never really talked to anybody, you kept to yourself. Everyday you would go to work at the little bakery 2 blocks away from your apartment building in New York, then go right next door to Starbucks and write. You did this same thing everyday, it never changed. You spent a lot of time in the small bakery and cafe because you dropped out of high school, and  you noticed a lot of different things. Like how the wall clock always ticked very loudly, how the front door squeaked a little bit when people opened it, and how there was always one boy who showed up everyday around 11:00. He would just sit there, gazing at his phone. He sometimes glanced at the door like he was waiting for somebody, but no one ever came. You always wondered about him. He never even ordered anything. The unnamed boy has stunning green eyes and ivory skin. His hair changed a lot, you seemed to notice. Just last month his locks resembled the color of a bruise, now his hair is stark white, almost plaitnum. He looked kinda like a punk rocker with his wild hair and rock band t shirts. He had a glorius smile, but you've only seen it once or twice, you've heard him talk once or twice when he ordered food one day, and he seemed to have an Australian accent. This boy was a mystery, and you felt very compelled to solve it. But for now, you got back to your writing.

I wish I wasn't such a narcissist, I wish I didn't really kiss

the mirror when I'm on my own, Oh God I'm gonna die alone.


Someone sat down next to you in the small coffee shop, but you didn't bother looking up.

Adolescence, didn't make sense. A little loss of innocence.

The ugly years of being a fool. Ain't youth meant to be beautiful?

You decided to stop there before you got too engrossed in the song and end up spending the night in Starbucks. You quickly closed your song writing book when you saw someone staring at it from your peripheral vision.You glared at them from the corner of your eye and you heard them mumble "sorry..." under their breath. You recognized that voice. It was sweet and calming, yet raspy, and you also recognized that uncommon accent. You looked over and saw that same boy from the bakery. You decided to stay cool and slide into a conversation with him. You wanted to figure this boy out. "It's okay," you said. "I don"t mind..." you shrugged, but you really did mind it, a lot actually, you just wanted to keep the conversation going. "They were really good lyrics...or...was that not a song...I'm sorry" he rambled. "It's okay." you repeated."and yeah, they were lyrics. I've been writing this song for a while," you said. "I see..." he whispered. You were both silent for a minute, unsure of what to say next. He finally spoke up, "Sing it for me." he demanded. You were kind of taken back by his assertiveness. "Uh... I-I don't really sing for o-other people..." you stuttered. You were suddenly a lot less confident.He was now staring into your eyes. "Why not? Hey. how's about this? You sing your song for me, and I'll sing for you," he proposed. You thought about it for a minute before you agreed. You then exchanged numbers so you could meet up. 

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