(1D) Blush

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Niall: Spinning around, you twirled your way back into Niall’s arms as the band continued to play in the background, the music soft and sweet. “You look beautiful, Y/N.” Running a thumb across your cheek, Niall smiled at you softly, a look of wonder spanning his features as he wrapped an arm around you. Lowering your gaze, you blushed, moving your hair to hide the pink that stained your cheeks. As if he already knew, Niall gently tucked a hand under your chin, brushing your hair away so that you were forced to meet his soft gaze. “Don’t do that, love, you’re beautiful and you deserve to know that. You’re cute when you blush, though.” Leaning in slowly, Niall smiled slightly before pressing a kiss to your lips, pulling you close as he did so. Pulling away slightly, Niall traced your cheek once more, “Love you, Y/N.” You smiled slightly in response, brushing your lips with his once more, “Love you more.”

Harry: “Oh, no!” Carefully reaching for an oven mitt, you slipped it on your hand before peering into the oven, sighing quietly at the burnt mess of a cake that laid within. Gingerly, you pulled the tray out, inspecting the blackened edges of what you were sure would have been a beautiful cake. Your quiet mourning was interrupted by a soft chuckle, causing you to spin around. Harry stood in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the wall with an amused expression spanning his face. “Again, love? You burned it again?” At Harry’s words, you bit your lower lip, placing the tray onto the counter, “The instructions said to place it in the oven for half an hour!” You turned away slightly to hide your reddened cheeks, but your boyfriend had already noticed. Walking briskly towards you, a smile spanning his face, Harry mumbled a quiet, “You’re cute when you blush.” And with those words, he pressed a kiss to your lips, “C’mon, I’l help you clean up.”

Liam: “How’s this?” Stepping out of the dressing room, you twirled around for your boyfriend to see the dress you had tried on. The light fabric spun around you like a cloud, and you stopped in time to see Liam’s widened eyes and glassy gaze. “That bad?” Biting your lower lip, you glanced at the dressing room, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. Shaking his head in shock, Liam seemed to snap out of his daze, eyes even wider than before, “No! You look…beautiful, I couldn’t think properly, that’s all.” At Liam’s words, you blushed a deeper shade of pink, feeling happy and giddy. Despite your best attempts to turn away and hide the happy flush that decorated your cheeks, Liam managed to see, causing him to wrap an arm around you. “The pretty lady that I’m lucky enough to call my girlfriend deserves to know how gorgeous she is. You’re so cute, you know that?” Placing a kiss to your temple, Liam gently pushed you towards the changing room, “That’s a yes from me, but everything looks great on you.” Flushing further, you stepped inside, a smile decorating your face.

Zayn: "Who do you like, Y/N?" Propping himself onto his elbow, Zayn rolled onto his side to face you, his eyes thoughtful and searching. Swallowing hard, you shrugged your shoulders, continuing to gaze at the moonlit sky, "I don’t know, why do you ask?" Looking away, Zayn turned his head so you couldn’t see his face, "It’s just…you never mention any guys that you like, and I’m your best friend, so wouldn’t you normally tell me if you like someone?" You lowered your gaze, feeling your heart stutter at his words, "Well, what about you? You never talk about liking any girls; shouldn’t you tell me things like that too?" Zayn sat up, staring at his hands, "Um, the girl I like…she’s beautiful, funny…She always makes my day when I get to see or hear from her. I love her, and sometimes, I feel like she’d like me back, but she never says that she does." Swallowing hard, you felt your heart crack slightly with Zayn’s words, "Really?" Before you could comprehend what was happening, Zayn pressed a kiss to your lips, "She’s also my best friend." At his words, you blushed, grateful for the nighttime darkness that hid the pink in your cheeks. Brushing a thumb across your cheek, Zayn laughed softly, "I know you’re blushing, Y/N. It’s a good thing I find it so cute."

Louis: "Hey, you okay?" Rolling onto his side, Louis peered at you curiously, his eyes searching the dark for you. The nearby alarm clock changed to read 3:04 am and you sighed quietly, feeling guilty about waking your boyfriend up. "No, I just couldn’t sleep." As if on instinct, Louis reached for the lamp resting on the bedside table, flooding the room with its soft, golden glow. Tucking you into his arms, Louis pressed a kiss to your forehead, holding you close, "What’s wrong, love? You’re normally out like a light at this time." You shrugged your shoulders, blushing slightly, "It was that movie we watched before. I guess I got a bit freaked out, and now I can’t sleep." Chuckling quietly in response, Louis wrapped an arm around you more securely, cuddling you close, "There’s no need to be embarrassed. Besides, it gives me a reason to cuddle you, and you’re adorable when you blush." Louis tucked the blanket more securely around you before turning off the light, still holding you close, "Good night, my little scaredy-cat," he teased, "I’ll keep the monsters away." And with those words, he pressed another light kiss to your still-pink cheeks, holding you close as you slept.

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