(5SOS) He Has a Cute Sneezing Fit

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He Has a Cute Sneezing Fit


Michael: Michael seemed to have a lot of these. Whenever he did, you just laughed and gave him a bunch of tissues, in case he needed them. They didn’t last for very long, and you always gave him a kiss afterwards, only because he begged and said that he needed on to feel better.

Calum: You heard a small sneeze from the other room, and then a few more following it. Going to investigate, you saw Calum sitting on the couch, not able to stop sneezing. “You’re adorable,” you said, going to sit by him. “You look like a puppy,” You said. He smirked at you, sneezed one more time, then said “Okay, I’m done now.”

Luke: You were in the middle of kissing Luke when you felt his face crinkle up, and he pulled away, sneezing into the crook of his arm. You laughed at him, as he kept sneezing. “That was awesome. Very sexy, Luke.” He laughed, sneezed again, and then shook his hair out. “I think I’m good now,”

Ashton: The two of you were walking outside when his nose scrunched up, and he sneezed. Then again. And again. You stopped, and pulled him with you. “Are you okay?” you asked. He nodded, sneezing yet again. “Allergies,” he said. You giggled. “Well you have a cute sneeze,” you said, handing him a few tissues from your purse.

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