(1D) He Picks You Up From School (surprise!)

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He Picks You Up From School (surprise!)

Harry: “Now another way to find the inverse of a function is to solve for ‘y’” your teacher drones on. You feel yourself drifting off, but desperately try to keep your focus. You look over at your friend who sits next to you and see that his head has already hit his desk. You laugh quietly but jolt up when the intercom calls you teacher’s name. “Yes?” your teacher responds in a livelier tone. “Can we have (y/n) to the main office ready to go, please?” You and your teacher exchange puzzled looks. “She’s on her way now!” Your teacher informs them as you grab your books and head out the door. “Bye guys.” You wave closing the door behind you.  You didn’t expect to leave early today so you check your phone multiple times for some explanation as you continue walking towards the office. As you round the corner towards your high school’s office you see a familiar shaggy haired boy conversing with one of the secretaries as a few girls linger in the hallway nearby. You smile and quicken your stride quickly opening the doors then gently placing your books on the ground. “Harry!” you exclaim running into his arms. “What are you doing here?” you ask still holding on to him. “Am I not allowed to surprise my girlfriend?” He smirks and nods towards the secretaries who seem to adore him. “Well ladies, thank you very much and have a great day.” He says to the secretaries. His eyes shift to you and he picks up the books you dropped and escorts you out. “So what do you want to do?” he asks letting his hand find yours and leading you to the car.

Louis: “What are your plans for tonight?” you roommate asks sitting down on the couch next to you. “Not sure yet, probably order pizza and watch a movie. Want to join?” you offer. “I think I’m going to pass, would you mind if I went home for the weekend?” She asks taking a sip of her drink. “Not at all! Tell the family I said hi!” you say lightening the conversation. “I will, I’m going to leave in about 2 hours to catch the train at 7.” She explains. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and you throw your head back in sheer laziness. You groan and look down at your sweats and fuzzy slippers. ‘can you get that pretty please.” You beg your roommate with a cute smile. She laughs, gets up, and opens the door. “You’re not (y/n)” a cheerful voice says causing you to perk up. You look over your shoulder and see Louis in the doorway being greeted by your roommate. “(y/n)!” Louis shouts opening his arms. You run into them and kiss him quickly. “Hi Lou!” you exclaim stepping back into your dorm. “Come in!” you instruct him. “Why are you here?” you ask him happily. “Well I was wondering if you would want to come home with me since you and I have a few days off?” he offers. You smile and look at your roommate who is busy packing her things. “I’d love that.” You reply. “Well my mum’s making dinner in about 2 hours, so we should probably head out soon.” He checks his phone then nods towards you. “Okay I need ten minutes!” you immediately run to your dorm room and throw a bunch of your clothes in a bag and grab all of your necessities. You quickly change into something more presentable, grab your coat, and stand in front of your boyfriend who’s made himself very comfortable on your couch. “Comfy?” you laugh as you extend your hand out to your boyfriend. “Very” he smirks then stands up and kisses you gently. “Ready?” he asks grabbing his keys off the counter. You nod and head out of the door.

Liam: “Mom I just want to come home! Liam has a performance tomorrow night and I really want to see him!” you whine into the phone. “I’m sorry (y/n). I can’t pick you up tonight. You aren’t sick, and there isn’t an emergency. I hate doing this, but I’ll pick you up tomorrow, okay?” You sigh and look down the hall at your friends meeting up for a study session. “Okay. Bye mom.” “I love you.”  She says “I love you too.” You reply then hang the phone up. You grab your textbook and your laptop and walk down the hall. A few of your friends are planning on leaving in a few hours to spend the weekends with their families, and after having a lousy week that’s all you were looking forward too. And now that it might not happen you were pretty upset. You sit down and listen in on the discussion about The Awakening and try to not look super miserable. You begin to daze off into another world and nearly fall out of your chair when a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. “Surprise!” your boyfriends voice shouts as your study group erupts in laughter. “Don’t do that!” you lightly slap his arm then stand up and hug him. He kisses you cheek. “I’m sorry” he whimpers and gives you a puppy face. “You’re luck your cute.” You smile. “Why are you here?” you ask semi-puzzled. “You’re mom and I have been planning this since last week. I’m going to take you home, spend the night at your mom’s house, then you’re going to come with me to the show!” He explains excitedly. “Awe, Li! You’re so sweet!” you smile and lean up to kiss him. “Better hurry up though.” He instructs. You grab your bags from your room and say bye to your friends. “Let’s go!” you say cheerily and walk out of your dorm building with Liam.

Zayn: “Okay so your room 234 A, 4th floor. Make a left at the vending machines, then a right?” Zayn repeats the instructions you had just given him. “Yup! I seriously cannot wait until Saturday…only three more days!” you admit excitedly. The silence lingers for a moment and you sit down on your bed looking aimlessly at the picture of you and Zayn on your night stand. “Then don’t” He finally says. “What do you mean?” you ask leaning towards the door. He hangs up the phone and there’s a knock at the door. You smile and run towards the door in disbelief. Before you can open it fully you’re in his arms. “Zayn?!?!? How did you? Why are you? What’s going on?” you struggle to form the question. “I’m here a few days early, but I just really wanted to surprise you!” He confesses setting you down. “Well I’m surprised!” you reply backing into the dorm room. He joins you and explains plans for this weekend. “So are you ready to go?” He asks. You walk into your room and grab the bag you’ve had packed since last week and shut off the lights. “Yup!” you smile and he escorts you out.

Niall: “Anyone doing anything fun for Christmas?” the teacher asks during the final minutes of the period. Everyone’s eyes immediately lock on you and you sink even further into your desk. “What?” you ask hiding a smile. “(y/n) care to share?” the teacher questions. You sigh and sit up. “Not really. I’m just spending most of the time with my boyfriend.” The teacher smiles, but the class becomes more intrigued. “Are you going to Ireland?” one of the girls asks. “No, just a show nearby, Its his down time so he’ll be spending half of the vacation here, half of it with his family.” Questions from the class a pour out of everyone’s mouth and you feel a bit overwhelmed. Suddenly an announcement is made for you to report to the front of the building with your belongings. You excuse yourself, grab your stuff, and quickly make your way to the lobby. Standing only feet away from you is Niall wearing a snapback and holding his arms open. “(y/n)!” Niall exclaims walking towards you and pulling you into his embrace. Your principal walks out of his office and looks at you sternly. “Sorry Mr. Conrad.” You apologize with a smile. He nods and lightens his expression. “Don’t worry about it (y/n). I’ve just finished talking with this young man.” He explains. You exchange a look from your boyfriend then to your principle and raise an eyebrow. The two smile at each other and Niall extends an arm out to your principal. “We better be going, it was nice meeting you sir.” Niall says shaking his hand. “Same here. Have a wonderful holiday!” The principal opens the door for you and Niall and you walk towards Niall’s car.  

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