(1D) Your Child Calls Him Dad

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Your Child Calls Him Dad

Zayn: Your boyfriend Zayn had been playing with your 3 year old son, Ben, when you sat down on the couch as they continued. Soon Zayn began tickling him and your little boy wouldn’t stop laughing. “Mommy tell daddy to stop,” he giggles while trying to run away from Zayn. “Now daddy’s gonna get you now, come here champ,” Zayn says following him trying to catch him as he ran around while you watched them both.

Liam: You were feeding your 11 month old son when your boyfriend Liam walked into the kitchen. “Morning babe,” he says kissing your forehead. “Hey there buddy,” he coos at your son. You and Liam had been trying to get him to say his first words but still no luck. “Mom-my, say mommy,” you say feeding him. “Da-da!” After you both heard that a smile formed across Liam’s face. “Guess he loves his dada,” he chuckles.

Harry: Your boyfriend Harry had invited you and your daughter over to his house to get wet in his pool, your 4 year old daughter couldn’t be happier. “Daddy can you teach me how to swim, I mean Harry,” she says before covering her mouth. Harry lets out a chuckle before swimming over to her. “Of course ‘daddy’ will teach you how to swim,” he says pulling your daughter into the water. “It’s cold,” she says laughing while Harry tickled her.

Louis: You had to work a late shift at work so your boyfriend offered to take care of your 4 year old daughter. “Thank you so much,” you say as you walked into his house, “I hope she was well behaved.” “She was,” Louis says with a smile, “She called me daddy today.” “So it’s not Louis anymore eh?” you giggle. “Nope, you have and amazing daughter and I’m proud to be her new daddy,” he says kissing you before picking her up.

Niall: Niall had asked you and your 2 year old daughter out on a date to the zoo. Knowing how much your daughter loved your boyfriend you accepted in a heartbeat. While walking around your daughter must’ve got tired when she started walking slower. “Daddy, up,” she stretches her tiny arms to Niall. You and Niall both looked at each other surprised. since it’s the first time she called him daddy. “Of course princess,” Niall says putting her on his shoulders.

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