(5SOS) Kiss Cam

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Kiss Cam      

Ashton: You and your best friend Ashton were sitting at the baseball game, laughing and watching in confusion as the two teams competed against each other. You were never huge on baseball, or any sport for that matter. It was Ashton’s first time to a baseball game and he had been incredibly excited over it, so you couldn’t exactly refuse. “What’s going on?” You asked as you watched the players remove themselves from the team, people around you beginning to stand. “It’s, like, halftime or something,” Ashton shrugged, confused himself. You shrugged as you continued to eat your fries, minding your own business before feeling Ashton poke you. “What?” You groaned, turning to face him, but seeing he was facing the giant screen. “It’s the kiss cam,” he stated quite obviously. “What do we do?” You questioned, completely flustered. “It’s called a kiss cam for a reason,” Ashton laughed before grabbing your neck and bringing you in for a quick kiss, earning cheers from the onlookers.

Calum: “Can you please just listen to me?” Calum groaned as he followed you out of the stadium, a few people’s gazes beginning to follow the both of you. “You totally made out with that blonde bimbo! Right in front of me!” You reminded him as you pushed out of the double doors and angrily walked out of the building. “It was a kiss cam! I can’t just let the people down!” He defended himself. You turned to face him, trying your hardest not to cry. You were always overemotional. “You could have said no or just, you know, not kiss her!” You both stood there and glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before he began to get closer to you, wrapping his arms around your small frame and bringing you in. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed her. It meant nothing anyway, you know that right?” He mumbled against your hair, giving the top of your head light kisses. “Yeah,” you mumbled against his chest, defeatedly.

Luke: “What do I do?!” Luke panicked, inching away from the older man that sat next to him. The kiss cam had pointed itself on Luke and the older gentleman who was sitting next to him and, boy, was Luke embarrassed. You simply laughed your ass off, ignoring your boyfriend’s pleads for help. “(Y/N), stop laughing!” He groaned before glimpsing over at the man, and then moving his gaze up towards the big screen. He was still displayed on it and everyone was waiting for his move. “Just kiss him!” You laughed, clutching your stomach as you waved at the stranger. It was obvious he didn’t want to kiss Luke just as much as Luke didn’t want to kiss him. Luke glared at you as if you were crazy before sliding down on his chair in hopes for the guy controlling the camera to realize that he didn’t want to be kissed by the adult next to him.

Michael: “Oh my god, Mikey, look! We’re on the kiss cam!” You squealed giddily as Michael followed your gaze up to the big screen. This was your first time being on the kiss cam with someone you actually happened to be in a relationship with and you were more than prepared. “Come here and give me a kiss,” Michael chuckled, his voice dark and seductive, yet playful. You grabbed a fistful of his pink hair and instantly crashed your lips to his, neither of you not holding back your lust for each other. You wanted the kiss to look sloppy and weird because you found it hilarious. Whistles sounded around you and there was a slight applause as you removed your lips from his.

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