(5SOS) Fights

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@5sosrulesok: god, (y/t/n) is so annoying! leave luke alone!

@5sosistheshit: (y/t/n) is just so UGH!

@lukeismybabypenguin: i hope luke breaks up with (y/t/n), he deserves more than a fat whale like her. she’s using him.

You didn’t understand why the 5sos family hated you so much. You received death threats, and insults from people you didn’t know. You knew there would be fans that wouldn’t like you, and you didn’t really mind them as long as they respected you. But, there were those fans who would do anything to break the relationship you have with Luke. Luke was well-aware of the hate, and always tried to convince you not to listen to those who hated. But today, it went to the full-extreme where you got pure hate. Tears streaming down your face, you decided to leave. That was the only way to stop the hate. You silently packed up your things, letting out a little whimper now and then.

"(Y/N)?" Luke called, opening the bedroom door. "Are you leaving?" he asked. You nodded, and you saw the anger on his face. "Why the hell are you leaving me? What did I do? God, I give you everything and yet you leave me like this!" he yelled. That let off a little bomb inside of you and you let go of everything you had bottled up inside since the start of your relationship with Luke. "Seriously,Luke? Everything? Do you see the hate that YOUR fans send me? And we barely do anything anymore! You always have to do something with the boys, and leave me in the dark. That’s not fair!" you screamed. "WELL ITS NOT MY FAULT THE FANS DISLIKE YOU SO MUCH! AND I’M STARTING TO SEE WHY! YOU’RE SO NEEDY, AND YOU DON’T EVEN CARE THAT I’M CHASING MY DREAMS! I’M NOT GIVING THEM UP BECAUSE OF YOU."

You had enough. “I NEVER ASKED YOU TO! AND I’M SORRY I LIKE SPENDING TIME WITH THE MAN I LOVE.” you concluded the argument by slapping him, and walking out that front door.

Calum: You were on vacation with Calum, the boys, and the boy’s girlfriends, in the beautiful city of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. You were exploring the city, looking at the beautiful sights. But, the downside was that fans kept stopping Calum and the boys, and you and the rest of the girlfriends were getting annoyed. Once the boys were done with the pictures, Calum stayed talking to a girl. The other boys were assuring the girls that they were just as tired of pictures as they were, and Calum was chatting up a girl right in front of you. “Um, Calum?” you finally spoke up. “Not now, (Y/N). I’m talking to someone, rude.” he spoke harshly. “Whatever, I’m going back to the hotel. There’s obviously nothing here for me to do anyway.” you muttered to him, walking back to the direction of the hotel. Calum rolled his eyes, and the others tried to get you to stay. “Let her go guys, she’s just looking for attention.” he said, obviously fed up. You scoffed and ran all the way to the hotel, slamming the door behind you. Soon enough, you and Calum were screaming at each other. “WELL YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO BE SUCH A CLINGY, JEALOUS, AND NEEDY BITCH!” he yelled. “WELL YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE SUCH A DISTANT CUNT AND FLIRT WITH EVERY GIRL THAT CROSSES YOUR PATH!” you screamed. “Leave, (Y/N.)” he muttered. “No problem.” you left, and you caught the first flight home, got your things, and moved back in with your best friend.

Ashton: Ashton wasn’t one to fight, but today was an exception. You waited for him up until 1 in the morning to come for your anniversary dinner you prepared. Hours flew by, and he still didn’t come. You sighed and cleaned up everything, he had forgotten your anniversary. He said he wasn’t gonna forget again, that he was never gonna hurt you, but you realized that was just a load of crap. You changed into your pj’s and washed off your makeup, pulling your curls into a bun. He had gone out, again, leaving you stumped. You lost all hope in him coming back that night. “(Y/N)?” he slurred from downstairs. Oh great, he was drunk. “(Y/N). ANSWER ME WHEN I CALL YOU.” he yelled. “MAKE ME.” you replied, in frustration. “God, when did you get so bitchy? Go get me a beer will you?” he said, pushing past you. “I’m not your servant Ashton.” you groaned. “And if you keep acting like that, you won’t be my girlfriend either.” You were fed up with him, and you lashed out. “YOU WOULDN’T EVEN CARE! CONSIDERING YOU FORGOT OUR ANNIVERSARY, ASHTON.” you cried out. “MAYBE IF YOU WERE ACTUALLY A DECENT PERSON I WOULD REMEMBER. BUT, YOU’RE NOT. YOU’RE JUST A WANNABE, I’M SICK OF YOU.” he said, turning around and pushing you down by accident. He was aware and sobered up at that point. He tried to help you up and hold you, but you flinched. “N-No, baby girl, don’t be scared. I love yo-” “Save it, Ashton. Forget me, it obviously won’t be that hard.” you whimpered. You grabbed your phone, threw on your shoes, and got your things and left Ashton a wreck.

Michael: You took Michael to meet your parents, and well, things didn’t go well. Your parents didn’t approve of Michael, and didn’t want you two seeing each other. Despite your protests, they didn’t change their mind. You brought Michael home, and you decided it was time. “Um..Mikey?” you squeaked out. “Yes?” You closed your eyes. “My parents don’t want us together.” you said,scared to look at his expression. “Oh? You’re gonna listen to them, seriously (Y/N). You’re allowed to make your own decisions, aren’t you?” he said, anger in his voice. You tried to speak, but nothing came out. “I’m sorry.” you finally managed. “I’m sorry you’re too chicken to tell your parents what you really feel.” he rolled his eyes, getting out of the car. “Hold up, Michael. Honestly if you were in my position, you wouldn’t want to let your parents down too, would you?” you called after him. “You’re just being stubborn, Michael.”

"Stubborn, (Y/N)? Are you seriously that stupid?” he replied. You furrowed your eyebrows, and nodded. “Are you seriously that immature? Grow up! Jesus, you don’t know how to live, you’re still you’re parent’s little baby. Call me when you learn to grow up.” he continued. “And you call me when you’re done being a dick.” you said, driving away.

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