(5SOS) Brother's Best Friend

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Brother's Best Friend

: You saw him in your backyard again and yet all you could do was sit in your room, working on your homework. Instead of your homework however, you were more occupied by watching your brother's friend, Ashton, in the backyard, shirtless, looking like a god sent from the heavens. He was perfect, everything you ever wanted, but you couldn't have him for many reasons. The first reason, he was your brother's best friend. Second reason, he could have any girl in the world, he'd never choose you. Third reason, he was just too perfect. He must have a great sense when someone's watching him, cause soon he looked up from the spot where he stood and glanced up towards your window. He saw you and chuckled, sending you a small wave, you sent one back before he walked off and out of your view. Sighing deeply you turned back to your schoolwork only to be met with a pair of eyes that could only belong to one person. He smiled. "So, you like to stare do ya?"

Luke: "Get us some snacks will you?" your brother asked you. You looked up from your book and glared at him. "Just because you have a friend over does not mean you can boss me around! It doesn't make you look any cooler, just makes you look like a jerk!" you say but smile sweetly at your brother's friend, Luke. "Luke, would you like any snacks from the kitchen?" He smiled back at you. "No thanks i'm good." You nod and fall back into the couch, pulling your book closer to your face. Your brother huffed and went off to the kitchen making you laugh as you glanced at Luke. "I enjoy his misery." Luke chuckled. "I'm sure you do, what book are you reading anyways?" You held up your book. Faults In Our Stars. "That any good?" you nod and blush. "I'm a sucker for sob stories." He nodded. "You're cute when you blush, you know that?" You shake your head. "Am not!" He nods. "You are." "You're just saying that cause i'm your best friends little sister, Luke!" He shakes his head. "Even if you weren't i would. You're gorgeous, i want you to know that."

Michael: The sounds of the video game blared through the walls that separated your room from your brothers. Growling you rolled over and buried your head into your pillows, trying to drown out the noise. You had a massive headache that was showing no signs of letting up and you just wanted to die. After so long, you couldn't take it anymore and gingerly walked out of your room and banged on the door of your brother's room. To your surprise, he didn't open it, his best friend, Michael, however, did. "Oh, hey (YN)! Didn't know you were home!" You nod. "Yeah, hi Michael, i've been in my room almost in tears cause i have a massive headache and the sounds of your video game is all i can hear and i just need some silence in hope my headache goes away!" he nods and shuts it off. "Sorry, your brother left a while ago, and i didn't think to turn it down any." You laugh softly. "You didn't have to turn it off, Michael, just turn it down, i can relax in this." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Well, do you mind if i relax with you?" that shocked you, your brother's incredibly hot friend wanted to relax with you. He put his hands up defensively right away. "I promise i won't try anything, i just don't like seeing you in pain is all!" You smile and take his hand leading to your bedroom. He laid down next to you and you rested your head on his chest, just above his heart. "Better?" he asked and you nod. "Yeah, my brother might kill you though." Michael shrugged his shoulders. "For you, it'd be worth it."

Calum: Nothing like being third wheel on a hangout day for your brother and his best friend. Your parents didn't want you to stay home alone so they made you go with your brother and Calum. You went to an amusement park. Your brother saw a ride he desperately wanted to go on, but both you and Calum shook your heads. "That looks like too much!" you say and Calum nods. "I'm with your sister on this one man." your brother scoffed at the two of you. "Whatever, the line is long and i'm getting in line, so you guys do whatever you want! Calum, don't let her get hurt!" he says pointing to you and Calum nods, leading you further into the park. "What do you want to go on then, (YN)?" You look around and point to the ferris wheel. "He'll never go on it with me and i hate going alone, i hate to drag you into it, but will you go on it with me?" Calum grinned at you and held his hand out for you to take. "It'd be my genuine pleasure m'lady!" You laughed and got into the ride and with the luck you had, you guys got stuck at the top and got told it'd be a while before you got brought back down. Calum looked over at you. "You alright? You look kinda spooked!" You nod. "I am spooked, i'm never up this high for this long." Calum scooched closer to you and held you in his arms. "I promise i won't let go til we get to the bottom okay?" you nod in his arms. "How about you don't let go, at all?" you try and he laughs. "I think i can do that, you are by far the prettiest girl i've ever met and your brother said not to hurt you, he didn't say anything about loving you."

(cred: mixingnialler)

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