Louis Imagine

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It was a bright sunny day and you were out with your best friend Louis who was shopping. You were out purchasing dresses for yourself and your boyfriend. Recently, your relationship had been quite passive so you had decided to spice things up.

You were planning a date. But during this shopping trip of yours, you got to know exactly why you were never truly connected to your boyfriend. It was because Louis had made himself a space in your heart. It was something that you were sure was turning into love. And you loved it. Just when he was about to drop you home, you told him, unable to remain secretive anymore.

He left,without any reply. You went numb, your tears, flowing down your cheeks, made no difference.
That night, you decided to tell your boyfriend that it wasn't working anymore. You dressed properly, the withdrawal of being rejected by Louis still gnawing at you.

The dinner started on pretty well, we were having fun, till you ended it with him. Being a great guy, he understood and said that he knew that you didn't match.

That was what you thought. When you went to my apartment, you changed, really morose not because you had just broken up with a great guy, but the new found guy of your dreams was just not interested in me.

You were sleeping in my room. Your room was an airy one. It had a beautiful window. You was lightly asleep when you heard something ticking at your window. You decided to ignore it. After a while, the noise grew louder. You decided to see what it was.

It was Louis! You let him in. You started, "Are you out of your senses Louis? What if people found out that Louis Tomlinson was banging the window of a girl? They would think that we are dating! Are you out of your senses? Have you run this through the management? How could you be so irresponsible?"

He stood there shocked and they finally sassed, "Are you quite finished yet?"

You stood there. He continued, "I love you Y/N! God! How surprised I was. You broke up with him? Oh.. i still can't believe it!!!"

He rushed upto you and kissed you... And you kissed back. And finally you found your love forever.....

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