(1D) Blind Double Date

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Blind Double Date

He was your best friend's boyfriend's best friend. Your best friend had begged you to let her set you up with someone, after months of being single. She wanted you to go out and have some fun but you never did. She finally got fed up with you and tricked you into going on a double with her and her boyfriend, and his best friend. You tried to get out it but she wouldn't let you. She even picked you up to make sure you went and you guys met the guys at the restaurant. You guys walked in and the guys had already got a table, as soon as they saw you two they got up from their seats. Niall introduced himself to you, throughout out dinner you guys got to know each other better. He was a really nice guy and funny too. At then he offered to drive you home while your best friend left with her boyfriend. You guys continued to talk some more and when he dropped you off you guys exchanged numbers. He walked you to the door and said goodbye with a promise to call you soon. As you got inside you secretly thanked your best friend for dragging you out because you had a good time with Niall and you couldn't wait to hear from him.

Zayn: He was your sister's boyfriend's brother. It was an unexpected thing, well to you it was. Your sister told you that she wanted to hang out with you and have a movie night. She ended up bring her boyfriend along and it annoyed you because you thought you were going to be a third wheel, but being the nicest sister ever she brought you a date. It was her boyfriend's best friend, Zayn. It was weird at first but it got better as all of you guys were into the movie. Zayn had asked you to go outside with him and you accepted his offer, mostly because you didn't want to see your sister and her boyfriend making out. While you guys were outside you got to know each other better and you liked him a lot. He was funny and very smart, something you liked in guys. Eventually the guys decided to leave, but not before you and Zayn exchanged numbers. You guys had texted each other a bunch of time after that night and decided to go on a solo date together. It was something you didn't expect but you weren't complaining. Eventually, you guys became a couple and you thanked your sister for setting you up.

Louis: He was your brother's best friend. Out of all the people your brother chose to set you up with, it was his best friend Louis. The thing that you were confused about was why your brother had set you up, let alone with his best friend. Your brother had told you that he wanted to go out with his girlfriend but he wanted you to come along, so he invited someone along as your date. You were mad that he set you up, but you knew there was nothing you could do about it. You and Louis already knew a lot about each other, but on the date you guys learned more and spent more time enjoying each others company. He admitted that he had liked you for a while and that he asked your brother to set you guys up. Your brother only did it, on the condition that he could keep an eye on you two on the first date. You didn't realize how much you liked Louis until that night. He started hanging around more than usual and before you guys realized it, you were a official couple. Your brother dealt with it because he saw how happy both, you and Louis, were. That weird double date, turned into a great relationship

Harry: He was your friend's new neighbor. Your friend had been ranting on and on about her hot new neighbors for weeks. Finally, she had told you that she got a date with one of them, but the problem was he didn't want to make his brother feel left out if he went on a date. Being the best friend that she is, she told him that his brother could come and she would get him a date. That lucky girl just so happened to be you. You met her at her house and the guys picked you up, it turns out they were twins. Harry was the one you were on a date with. At the beginning things were awkward and Harry was distancing himself from you. But, as the night went on, he started to warm up to you and you guys got a long. At the end of the night, he offered to take you home instead of to your friend's and you let him. The whole way there you guys talked about music, because you liked what you heard coming out of his car radio. You guys were so a like in so many ways. You guys sat outside your house for a while before you finally said your goodbyes. Numbers weren't exchanged but he had asked your friend for it the next day. After that you guys became close friends and then it eventually turned into more. Your friend always took credit for hooking you guys up and secretly you thanked her.

Liam: He was your brother's girlfriend's cousin. Your brother's girlfriend had talked about her cousin coming into town and that she wanted you to meet him. She said that you guys would really get along, so she set up for you guys to all go out together so things weren't too awkward. Your brother and you decided to meet them at his girlfriend's house, when you met him you automatically liked him. You guys got a long very well and while you guys were out you strayed away from your brother and his girlfriend. Liam had this bad boy look but when you got to know he was pretty nice. You guys stayed out longer than your brother and his girlfriend, they had called you guys a lot but you ignored it. Eventually, you guys headed back to the apartment and just hung out some more. When you decided to leave he walked you out and gave you a goodbye hug. You didn't know at the time that he was moving to town, so you said goodbye as if you weren't going to see him again. A month later he was back, to stay, and you guys ran into each other. He asked you on a date and you accepted his offer. It didn't take you guys long to become a couple and when you did, both of you were very happy. Every once in a while you thank your brother and his girlfriend for setting you guys up.

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