Niall Imagine

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You were browsing your twitter and tumblr and such when a Skype call from Niall appears on your computer screen. Holding back your excited squeal, you answer it. There he was; blonde haired, blue eyed Niall, the love of your life. “Hey honey!” He smiles. You wave excitedly. “Hi sweetheart!” For the next hour and a half, you two catch up and talk about anything and everything; the tour, the weather, movies, music, you name it. “Hey baby, I gotta go, managers want me. I love you and oh, good news, I’ll be home for Christmas in a week!” Your hand flies to your mouth. “A week?! It’s only the first week of November!” He nods, “Yeah, they’re giving us extra time this year,” you were ecstatic. “Oh my god, okay, Niall! I’ll let you go! I love you so much and i’ll see you next week okay?” He smiles and waves at the screen. “See you soon love!” And with that he was gone. You got up to get a cup of tea and returned to your computer to resume your Twitter browsing with a smile on your face. A moment later, a tweet pops up in your mentions reading @Y/T/N HAVE U SEEN THIS ARTICLE?! OMG IM SO SAD” you click the link and read an entire article about how Niall had been seen holding hands and kissing a blonde named Carrie. You hastily search for pictures and tears immediately flood your eyes when you see an extremely low quality picture taken by a fan of Niall in the back corner of a coffee shop, his arm around the blonde. You scroll and find more high quality pictures of the two holding hands and kissing in the coffee shop. However, you notice that there aren’t any pictures of them holding hands or in public, only in the dark corner of a nearly empty coffee shop; like he was trying to hide something. You slam your laptop shut and curl up on the couch and cry yourself to sleep.
You refused to answer text messages and calls from Niall or anyone associated with him for the next week. The thought of him coming home was making you sick. You couldn’t stand to see the man who you thought loved you, but only ended up being as unfaithful as all of the other stereotypical band members; they are supposedly in love but as soon they leave to go on tour and cheat faster than anything. It wasn’t fair; you trusted him. The night of the 12th of November, you hear the door unlock and, instead of jumping up and running to him, you hold your place on the couch. “Babe! Y/n!” He rushes to you and smiles like a Cheshire Cat when he sees you. “Baby!” His smile slowly fades when he sees you aren’t nearly as happy as he is. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He sits down next to you, clearly confused. “Wow, I’m surprised you decided to come home. Isn’t Cassie waiting for you back in America?” His expression sinks. “Y/n, who is Cassie?” You whirl around to look at him. “WHO IS SHE?!” You whip out your phone and show him the pictures of he and the girl and he pushes the phone away, shaking his head. “Y/n-” “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME NIALL?! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING. I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU JUST GO AND BETRAY ME LIKE THIS I-” “Y/n,” he silences you calmly. “These pictures are from months before we were together.” “Prove it.” You challenge. “Alright,” he takes your phone from your hand and zooms in on his arm in one of the pictures of he and the blonde. “See that?” He points to his arm in the picture. “So what? Niall what is thi-” “There’s no tattoo,” he says plainly. “You don’t have any tattoos anyway! Niall, I’m not going to play this game-” you start to stand up but he forces you to sit back down. He pulls up his sleeve on his right arm to reveal a slightly new-looking tattoo that had the words, “June 20 - Always” June 20; that was the day you and Niall had your first date - when he asked you to be his girlfriend. “I got this the first day of tour,” he says. “If you don’t believe me-” he pulls his wallet out of his pocket and takes out a small receipt from a tattoo parlor on October 12th, the day after he left. You felt awful for doubting him. “Sweetie,” he says, taking your hand in his. “I would never, ever cheat on you. You know that right?” You nod and embrace him tightly. “I’m sorry I doubted you,” you say. He smiles and pulls away, pressing a long kiss to your lips. “All that matters is that we’re together again. Finally.” You spend the rest of the night listening to Niall’s stories from the first leg of One Direction’s international tour; you couldn’t be more proud of your boyfriend.

(credit: Tumblr)

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