(1D) You Embarrass Yourself in Front of Him

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You Embarrass Yourself in Front of Him

Zayn: We were going to walk around the city and then go to a fancy restaurant, thus, I am wearing a sparkly, pretty, and poofy dress with pretty boots I saw at Love Culture. On our way to the restaurant, we took a cab, once we got out, Zayn payed for the ride, Zayn being a gentleman, shut the door for me, we heard the taxi cab drive off and I felt a breeze. I looked down to see my cloths gone, and hanging by the door of the taxi. Of course the dress had one of those built in bras so I wasn’t wearing a bra. Zayn looked over at me, and started laughing taking off his coat putting it around me. We then we to the nearest gas station and got me some cloths. “Sorry that had to happen, babe” He said putting an arm around me. “It’s okay, but it was really awkward” I said, blushing, now just wanting to go home.

Liam: One night Liam went out to go see a movie with the lads. You stayed at apartment that you shared with Liam, you started watching a movie but it got rather boring. So being the childish person you are you went down to the kitchen and got all the cups down and started making a little town. After you got done building, you admired your work. You then ran to your room and got a green hoodie and put the hood up and ran back downstairs ready to destroy the town you had just built. You made a little voice that was supposed to be one of the little fake townspeople

” OH NO LOOK ITS GODZILLA!!!” and then started pounding your feet to the ground and tipping over all of the cups, just as you started, you roared. ” ROOAA-” Liam walked in… you just turned around shocked that he was home so early… you were embarrassed. He was laughing a bit too hard at his Godzilla like girlfriend.

Louis: You and your boyfriend Louis were at home about to start a ’ who can blow the biggest bubble ’ contest… you went first. So you started to chew your gum then started slowly blowing. Louis knew how to make you lose. “Harder” he said. you just rolled your eyes. He said it again, this time with a bit more passion.,Harddder.” You just looked at him and continued blowing at your own rate. He then said “OH yeeesss ” and started to giggle. At that moment your bubble was as big as your face. You started to worry about your hair. You actually did it good today. So you stopped and made sure it would hold up. It popped… all over your face. You heard Louis rolling on the floor laughing. You got up, but couldn’t see much. It was mostly a pink blur. So you tried to make it to the kitchen but Louis had left his shirt on the ground. You fell. Only to hear Louis gasp, then laughing some more. You got up again but failed epic-ly. You couldn’t get up. You put your hands to your face, that wasn’t the best move you’ve ever made. Your hands were now stuck to your face. How much more embarrassing could this get. Louis came over after laughing for 10 minutes. He helped you up and cleaned you off. And then made more fun of you for what you did.

Niall: Niall was at the studio recording their next album. You were left at home, bored out of your mind. There was nothing on T.V. except for one of your favorite childhood shows. The Teletubbies. this made you smile from ear to ear. You didn’t think Niall would be home for a while so you started watching it. The theme song started to play, and of course you sang along. ” Tinkie Winkie. Dipsy. Lala. PO! ” As soon as they were calling the names Niall walked in and you didn’t notice. After you yelled Po. You realized he was watching your every move. You just sat on your bed practically thinking of all your life’s bad choices and you felt embarrassed. He then said ” You're watching Teletubbies without me?!?! How could you?! ” That made you feel a bit better. Both of you continued to watch the rest of that teletubbies episode.

Harry: You and Harry were at the movies, you had just bought your tickets and were about to go to the snack bar. Harry had this major craving for popcorn so he bought the biggest bucket. You thought your boyfriend was so weird buying that much popcorn, he also bought a huge drink to calm his thirst. After receiving your popcorn and drink he told you to go ahead and go find a place to sit while he went to the restroom. You were trying to balance all of both things. You didn’t think it would be that hard so you walked down the aisle and then managed to stumble on something which made the popcorn go all over your outfit and the drink all over your shoes. He came back to find you embarrassed and very upset. He looked a bit disappointed/jealous that his popcorn got more on you then he did. He took you into a hug and said it was okay and then took you home knowing that you wouldn’t want to sit for 2 hours being sticky and wet. You felt sad/embarrassed knowing that it was your fault you didn’t get to see the movie and eat all that popcorn. The next day you tried all of that again and it went over much, much better.

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