(5SOS) Autumn

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Luke: "Do you wanna go for a walk?" He asked. You looked up from your laptop and smiled. "Sure, hold on." You got up and slipped some shoes on, your jacket and finally one of Luke's beanies. His hand laced with yours and finally you were out the back door. The boys were recording their second album in London. The house you were staying at was a bit more secluded than the LA one, surrounded by woods. You two were walking down a path in the back. "What made you want to do this?" You asked suddenly. He looked so at peace, his head tilted up to stare at the trees towering above you. It took him a bit to answer, but eventually he turns his gaze back to you, his smile deepening. "I dunno really, I just want to take advantage of this beautiful day." The fall sun was shining bright, but it wasn't strong enough to counter the crisp breeze nipping at your face. The wind brought the smell of autumn with it. The sharp smell of the forest, a faint touch of pumpkin from a wild patch hiding in the forest. It was the kind of day that poets immortalized. Luke started humming lightly as you continued down the path. "Float down, like autumn leaves and hush now, close your eyes before the sleep," he sang. You smiled and cuddled into his side as he serenaded you with Ed Sheeran.

Calum: "I hate raking," Calum whined. You looked over at his side of the yard to see it scattered with leaves, exactly how it looked fifteen minutes ago. Your eyes then flicked to your side of the yard, where most of the leaves were neatly piled revealing the dying grass. "Cal c'mon when we're done I'll make you hot chocolate," you promised. He pouted before dropping his rake and slinking over to you. "I dunno, I'd rather do this," he murmured before sinking down into your pristine pile, pulling you with him. You squealed and landed softly in the dead leaves. You sputtered and brushed them off your face, only to see a smirking Calum when your eyes were cleared. "What?" You asked. "You look really good in my sweater," he said offhandedly before rolling on top of you and connecting your lips. It was strange, in a lovely way to kiss Calum in a leaf pile. It was like being in a crunchy cloud. The leaves made a cushion underneath you, and piled around you until you could barely see the sky. The only solid thing around was Calum pressed on top of you. You stayed like this for a while, until a leaf managed to sneak it's way between your lips causing you to break apart in a fit of giggles. "C'mon hot chocolate," you prodded. He struggled to his feet and helped you up. "What about the leaves?" He asked. You shrugged and surveyed the messy yard. "I think they look nice all spread about," you decided. "Now I'm all soggy from the wet leaves. Let's go get into pj's." He took your hand and you two went back in side, abandoning the leaves.

Michael: Michael turned into even more of a geek during October, if that was even possible. "Halloween (y/n)," He'd say to excuse his excited behavior. Every night you two of watch some sort of scary movie. First it was the 'Nightmare on Elmstreet' series, then 'Friday the Thirteenth', which of course was followed by 'Freddie vs Jason'. You didn't know how he could do it, watch a scary movie and fall asleep five minutes later. You tossed around in bed for at least and hour before drifting into a restless state of sleep. You didn't want to ruin his mood with your hatred of scary movies, so you stayed silent and suffered to yourself. "Babe, you look exhausted," he murmured one night as you cuddled on the couch. He gently brushed his fingers along the dark circles under your eyes. "I'm fine," you lied, biting your lip. He saw straight through you. "Why haven't you been sleeping?" He asked. You paused before sighing. "It's the scary movies," you admitted. His face fell and he kissed your forehead. "I'm sorry baby, why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "You love Halloween so much, I didn't want to ruin it for you," you explained. He smiled and shook his head. "What a martyr you are. Hold on." He got up and put a new disc into the DVD player, stopping 'Halloween'. When he sat back down 'Halloweentown' flashed across the screen. You laughed and shook your head. "Really?" He grinned and nodded. "No nightmares for you, and I get my Halloween movie." He settled back down next to you and you spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching

the old Disney original.

Ashton: "This one's fucking massive!" He shouted over to you, causing a few parents to glare his way. He had a giant pumpkin cradled in his arms, a goofy smile on his face. "Get it then," you laughed before turning your attention back to the pumpkins at your feet. Occasionally you'd bend down and examine one, though none really caught your attention. Finally you found a medium sized pumpkin, short and wide. You smiled and carried it over to Ashton. He had grabbed a cart and already had his pumpkin in it, patiently waiting for you. You added your pumpkin to the cart and you two bought them. "Ready to carve?" You asked. The kitchen table was covered in old newspapers, two mixing bowls and your carving tools. He nodded before picking up a knife and stabbing it near the stem. You followed suit and lifted the little lid off. "This is my favorite part," Ash giggled before sticking his hand in and scooping out the slimy pulp. You did the same with less enthusiasm until your pumpkin was hollowed. "No peaking!" Ashton cried before setting to work on his jack-o-lantern's face. you rolled your eyes before starting the delicate process. You'd already traced it out and now you were carefully carving out the 5 Seconds of Summer logo. As soon as the last 'S' was complete Ashton turned his pumpkin around triumphantly. "Look (y/n)!" His was pretty adorable. It had a smiling face with it's tongue poking out the side. It reminded you a lot of your boyfriend himself. "I love it," you praised before turning your pumpkin around. Ashton laughed happily, his eyes sparkling. "That's really clever babe!" He cheered. "Now let's go put these outside."

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