(5SOS) He Asks You To Move In

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He Asks You To Move In

Luke: You two have been dating for a year and a half now. With Luke on and off of tour and living in separate households it just doesn't help the constant feeling of missing him. Whenever he was home you always stayed at his house the majority of the time anyways. You two were laying in bed one night watching a movie before Luke muted it and turned to you. "What is it babe?" You asked and he leaned in close to your ear. "I don't want you to leave after the movie or ever really. You're just going to be here again tomorrow, stay the night or just stay here permanently if you would be up for that." You could feel a grin form on your face. "Like move in?" You said more as a statement since you knew that was what he was asking. "Yes, move in with me. Then when I come home from tour I can always look forward to coming back to this house." He said while planting a kiss on your neck. "I'd love to

move in with you." You said while grabbing his face and kissing him.

Calum: You had just gotten home from work to see a majority of the stuff in your house gone. You immediately freak out because you had thought that you had been robbed. You drive over to your boyfriend Calum's house in a rush to tell him what had happened. "Calum! Calum!" You yelled while running into his house and he was sat on the sofa. "Things in my house are missing and I think I was robbed and we need to call the po-" You yelled but Calum had gotten up, placed a finger on your lips and laughed. "Calm down Y/N. All your stuff is here, upstairs actually." You looked at him confused. "Why is it here?" You asked and he smiled at you. "Why do you think?" He asked smiling back. "Are you asking me to move in?" You said while biting your lip and he nodded. "Yeah, I am. Will you?" He asked and this time you nodded your


Ashton: It was your one year anniversary and you had decided to just spend it at Ashton's house having a movie night and cuddled up on the sofa. You both preferred to stay inside then go out and spent a ton of money because nothing was better then being in each others arms. But, Ashton had been sketchy all night and you decided to try and shake it off. "I have a surprise for you." He said and you looked at him. "What is it?" You asked. "Come with me." He said while getting up from the sofa and you followed behind him. "Wait," he said while stopping "close your eyes." You rolled your eyes but then closed them. He led you away and all you wanted to do was open your eyes. He stopped you "Okay, open!" He yelled and as you opened them there was a banner hanging across the entrance of the back door. "Welcome home?" You asked in confusion. "Yeah, I was kind of hoping this could be our home." Ashton said with a smile exposing his dimples. "Of course, I would love for this to be our home Ashton." You said while wrapping your arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his lips in

your new home.

Michael: "Oh that is bullshit. I totally killed you!" Michael said while yelling at the tv and you laughed. "Obviously you didn't. Sorry babe." You said while sending him a wink. You were spending the night playing video games with Michael and he ordered pizza for the two of you while you spent the night together. You always loved how things were so simple and fun with Michael. You just really loved him actually. The doorbell rang and Michael flew up from his seat. "Pizza's here." He sang and you laughed and rolled your eyes. He paid the pizza boy and set it on the coffee table. "Open it and I'll go get some plates." He said and made his way to the kitchen. When you opened the box on the inside it read "Move in?" and you felt your breathing hitch. "So, will you?" Michael asked and you turned around with a smile. "Of course I will move in with you, you dofus." You said while getting off the couch and jumping into his arms.

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