(1D) He Leaves for the X-Factor

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You were Childhood Best Friends, he Leaves for the X-Factor, and he comes Back

Niall: It’s a Saturday night and there’s a football (soccer) game on tonight. You decided to go to a bar to watch the game with your friend, Sean. You’re sitting in the bar when the opposing team scores. “BOOOOOO!” you start screaming. Everyone in the bar turns around to look at you. You’re eyes quickly scan over everybody who turn around and then settle on a familiar blonde haired boy. He starts walking in your direction as you try to recall where you’ve seen him. Then it clicks. I’m such an idiot, you think. “(Y/N)” the blonde haired boy, who you recognize as Niall Horan; your childhood best friend, says. “NIALL!” you cheer. More people turn to look at you. “Sorry,” you whisper. “Still as loud as ever,” Niall grins. “Always,” you answer as you pull him in for a hug.

Louis: You’re on your way to work as you stop at Starbucks to grab a drink. When you’re walking in, you notice the crowd surrounding the door and the flashes of light coming from everywhere. When you go up to order the barista smiles, “you want your usual?” “Yes, please,” you answer. The whole staff knows you; you come here basically every day. “What’s with all this,” you stop to make a motion with your hands, “commotion.” “Either people just really like our food or somebody important does,” she begins, “I’m guessing the latter.” You laugh, “do you know who?” “Nope,” she answers. You make your way over to get your drink when you hear your name get called. You wait by the table next to the cash register to receive your drink. “Louis,” another barista calls. Somebody walks right next to you and to wait for his drink, too. You take a quick glance at him, trying not to seem creepy. But when you look at him, he looks very familiar to you. You look back at him and just begin to stare. “Excuse me?” he says politely while chuckling, “do you need anything?” “Oh my gosh!” you ignore everything he just said, “your face is so… OLD!” “Um… what?” Louis says. “YOU DON’T REMEMBER ME?” you scream. When everybody looks at you, you blush from embarrassment. “Why? Shoul– NO WAY! (Y/N)!” he exclaims. “Well now you’re the loud one,” you mumble, “but yes way… I haven’t seen you in so long!” “We have to trade numbers again!” Louis says. “I know, we do…” you trail off, here’s mine.” You give him your number and he gives you his. “It was great seeing you (Y/N)” he says after you talk for a while. “It was great seeing you too, Lou.”

Liam: You were walking down the street when suddenly you just lose your balance, which causes everything to fall out of your hands. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Your papers all fell out of your hands and went flying all over the floor. When you bent down to get them you noticed one person, out of the many people walking down the street, come to help you. He bent down right next to you and began picking up some of the papers. “Thank you so much,” you say when he hands you the papers. You look up, “I really do appreciate– Liam?” “(Y/N) How are you? I haven’t seen you in forever,” he exaggerates. “I’m great, how have you been doing in that cute little boy band?” you ask. “Did you just call my band cute?” he laughs. You answer, “I sure did.” He grins, “it’s really great to see you.” “You too,” you begin, “we should catch up sometime.” “I’d love that,” he says. You exchange info, “see you around,” you say. “See ya!”

Harry: You were working in the mall as volunteer to wrap presents for little children. You and your friends all went to help in just sweat pants, a t-shirt, and sweatshirts. You all had a five-minute break so you just stand around and talk while you wait. Harry, who is across the mall, catches a glimpse of you and recognizes you almost immediately. He pushes through the crowd and leaves the rest of the boys standing behind him, clueless as to where Harry is going. They just stand and watch as he runs across the mall. “(Y/N)” Harry says, trying to get your attention as he pushes his way through the crowd. The rest of the boys smile when they hear the familiarity of that name from Harry telling endless amounts of stories about you. You immediately turn around when you hear your name being called by that deep British accented voice you used to love oh-so-much. “Harry,” you smile. You both give each other a once-over and instantaneously pull each other in for a hug.

Zayn: You were food shopping because you ran out of breakfast items. The grocery store was close to empty, because it was early in the morning, but there were still some people walking down the aisles. Being the short person you are, you had to jump to reach the Cheerios that were all the way on the top. You hear someone clear his throat, which makes you turn around. “Need help with that, (Y/N)?” the mysterious boy asks. “Sure do, Zayn,” you respond casually as if you both have seen each other very recently. “Thank you,” you say as he hands you the box. “No problem, (Y/N). So how’s life?” Zayn starts a conversation. “Pretty good,” you grin, “what about you, superstar?” He laughs, “just fine.”

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