(5SOS) Wearing His Clothes

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Wearing His Clothes

Ashton: Ashton had been on tour for a few months now and you did miss him terribly, but it would all be worth it when you met in person again. You had skyped him a few times, but since you both were so busy they had been brief and rushed. But tonight, you had both agreed on a time so you could speak for as long as you felt like. You had, whilst helping him pack, sneakily stolen a few of his t-shirts and muscle tees and sprayed them with his cologne so you could wear them whenever you missed him. You had just come home from a long day and decided to change before your Skype date, into something more comfortable than your skinny jeans and blouse. Going into yours and Ashtons shared bedroom you pulled out a pair of sweatpants and his ‘Incredible Hulk’ muscle tee and quickly changed. Whilst cooking yourself some dinner, you removed your makeup and put your hair up, as you knew that it would make him feel special, that you didn’t feel afraid of showing your true self off to him, showing that you were comfortable around him. A couple of hours went by and soon enough, you pulled out your laptop and pressed the video call-button next to Ashtons face. After a few rings he answered and his face instantly lit up, as did yours. The two of you just talked, and whilst you were in the middle of telling a story, you saw his eyes glued to your chest. “Ash, baby. My eyes are up here, cheeky.” He quickly snapped out of it and chuckled a bit. “Sorry love, I just couldn’t help but wonder, is that my shirt?” You blushed, you didn’t even realize that you were wearing it. “Maybe. I’m sorry?” You tried, only earning a chuckle and a big laugh. “It’s fine, baby. I was starting to wonder where that shirt was. Did you take any more of ‘em or was it just that one?” He wondered. You shyly looked down whilst mumbling “I may or may not have borrowed a few other t-shirts.” His smile only got bigger. “It’s fine, beautiful. You should definitely wear my clothes more often. You look great.” You could only smile at his statement, and the by the end of the conversation, he had lulled you to

sleep, during which, you dreamt of him and only him.

Calum: You and your boyfriend Calum had just come back from a dinner date and he had suggested that the two of you would watch a movie. Halfway through it you were beginning to doze off, and when Calum noticed he gently shook you awake. “Sorry for falling asleep, Cal. I should probably just go ho-“ That was when he cut you off. “Stay the night. I’m not letting you walk home now, you are too tired, you can just crash here. I have plenty of room, and I can even stay on the cou-“ You giggled at his rambling and decided to shut him up with a sweet kiss. “Okay baby, I’ll stay. But I don’t have any clothes or anything.”  Your statement made him smile. “You can just borrow some of my clothes. I don’t mind.” You nodded and he took your hand and began to lead you towards his bedroom. He began to roam his wardrobe and then handed you some old football shorts and his famous NASA-shirt. He then realized that you probably wanted to change alone, so he left for the bathroom for a few minutes. “Cal, I’m all changed now, you can come back in here!” you semi-shouted and the look on his face when he saw you was just amazing. You had never seen him with such love in his eyes, and you’d only changed your clothes. “Baby, quit staring, it’s rude.” You giggled and he shook his head. “Sorry baby, it’s just, you look really good in my clothes. You should wear them more often.” You slapped his shoulder and laid down under the covers. “You going to join me or what, lover boy?” He eagerly nodded and stripped himself of his t-shirt and jeans, before joining you, cuddling you into his chest.

Luke: You and Luke were on a vacation in Hawaii and you were having an amazing time. The day had been packed to the brim with activities; you had tried surfing, swam with turtles and later just chilled at the beach. You had now enjoyed a great dinner and were on your way back to the hotel. It was a quick walk but the weather had definitely cooled down. You didn’t mind it really, until you got to the hotel. Your room was located on the shadier side of the hotel, so the sun wasn’t there to heat it up, and Luke had forgotten to turn the A/C off when you left. You basically came back to a freezing hotel room. You started to shiver like crazy and Luke obviously noticed since he first disappeared and a minute later came back with his black hoodie in his hands. He handed it to you and you smiled gratefully. “Thanks Lukey.” You said as he shook his head. “No problem, I can’t have my girl freezing, can I?” You just smiled and slipped it on, letting the thick fabric embrace you. You walked over to the couch, sitting down as Luke went to the bathroom. When he came back he saw you cuddled up on the couch, the large hoodie almost drowning you. He smiled, carefully taking out his phone to snap a quick picture of you. The flash startled you and he smiled apologetically. “Sorry baby, you just look great in my clothes.” You nodded. “Okay, pretty boy. Which one of you many band tees am I wearing to bed?” You stood up, crossing your arms over your chest. He looked you up and down before smiling ”I think you should wear the Blink one.” He smirked before tossing you the shirt. You later slipped into bed cuddling into this side as he kissed your temple. “You should most definitely wear my clothes more often baby, you look so good.” You nuzzled your face into his neck and smiled, before shutting your eyes.

Michael: It was an average day in yours and Michaels life. He was at the studio writing music and you were back home, just doing some cleaning and other house chores. One of those chores was laundry. You hadn’t done any laundry for a while and you had run out of clean clothes. Michael had left whilst you still were in bed, so when you got up to get dressed, the only thing you found was a pair of comfy shorts and his black Rolling Stones muscle tee. You quickly slipped the clothes on and started blasting some music to help you with your chores. You were amazed by how much laundry you had, you had to reload the washing machine three times to get all the clothes clean! You were honestly quite surprised by how Michael still had clean clothes, but then you remembered that him and his bandmates practically shared clothes. You were halfway through making dinner when Michael stepped through the door. Your music was so loud that you didn’t even realize it. It was first when you felt a pair of strong arms snake around your waist from behind that you knew he was home. “Hi baby, how was the writing session?” You asked as you leaned back to his chest. His grip around you tightened and he leaned his head on your shoulder. “It was good, I missed you though. “ He then started talking about how Ashton had walked into the wall and Luke had slipped whilst laughing at him, causing both himself and Calum to fall into endless laughter. You couldn’t help but giggle at the story, and then starting to tell him about your day. In the middle of your story you noticed him not really paying attention to what you were saying, more to what you were wearing. “Mikey, are you even listening to me?” You questioned whilst crossing your arms over your chest. “Sorry, babes. I just couldn’t help but notice. That’s my shirt, right?” You blushed and shyly nodded. “I didn’t have any clean clothes to wear.” You tried to defend yourself as he shook his head. “No, baby, it’s fine. You look really hot in my clothes.” You smiled. “You really think so, Mikey?” You asked. He nodded and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. “I know so.”

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