(1D)He's A Vampire

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He's A Vampire

NIALL:“Nialler, are you alright? You’re like a block of ice!” You exclaimed once you felt his abnormally cold arms around you. You frantically put the back of your hand against his forehead, expecting him to be burning up. Instead, it was ice cold, just like the rest of his body.

Maybe you were just paranoid. Maybe it was you, maybe you’re the one who’s sick and that’s why the body temperatures felt different. Putting your hands against your forehead, you felt nothing except the usual heat. No fever.

Something wasn’t right, you could feel it. Niall nodded his head, mumbling an excuse about the cold night and that you were just overreacting. He distracted you by pointing at a constellation that he had discovered, it seemed to work, you’d forgotten about the matter as you gaze at the stars in awe.

Stargazing had been one of your many hobbies for years now and you just loved how nature works, how there could be so many stars up there in space. The wonders of astronomy was what had driven you to share this interest of yours with him, and sure enough, he fell in love with the hobby as well.

The bright full moon and the twinkling stars in the dark black sky lit up your empty balcony, making the lamp at the corner look like its shining with glitter. Your roaming eyes followed the many constellations, all of them were unique and interesting to look at.

"Hey, that constellation over there is-" You pointed at the constellation that you were talking of, looking back at your boyfriend with a smile on your face. Your statement, however, was cut off by a loud audible gasp that left your lips.

His pale skin was paler than ever and his body had become increasingly cold but that wasn’t what had made you gasp. Niall’s beautiful baby blue eyes had somehow turned into a matte shade of gold and sharp fangs were jutting out of his mouth.

He looked at you with his golden eyes, raising a hand to stroke your cheek gently. You couldn’t help but flinch at the icy contact, it felt like as though your cheek was being pressed against a block of solid ice. The corners of his mouth drooped, a frown was evident on his face when he saw your reaction.

"Are you afraid of me, Princess?" He asked, hurt was laced in his question. You stood there, frozen like a statue as your brain tried to digest what was happening. This wasn’t possible, this can’t happen. They only exist in fiction books and movies, they don’t exist in reality. It can’t be, it’s not even logical. You couldn’t believe it; your boyfriend was a vampire.

"Don’t leave me, Princess. Please." He begged, grabbing your wrist loosely as you started to take a few steps back. You shook your head, you must be dreaming. He’s a vampire, a creature that feeds on human blood. And he’s standing in front of you, begging you not to leave.

Closing the huge gap in between the both of you, Niall wrapped his other arm around your waist, supporting you as he stared into your eyes deeply. You saw a hint of purple in those eyes of his, and a few specks of baby blue as well, mixed with the gold.

LOUIS:“Lou…” You whispered, the dark and cold night breeze brushed your skin and made you shiver. It didn’t help that your boyfriend was also as cold as a block of solid ice but you didn’t want to leave his embrace as well.

"Yeah, love?" He asked, playfully threading your silky hair through his fingers. The both of you were lying in bed, just waiting to drift off to sleep while you talk about the random things in life. His arm on your waist, he pulled you in closer to him, making you gasp in surprise.

"It’s a full moon tonight, I’m just..you know.." You trailed off, you didn’t know how to continue your statement. You couldn’t tell him that you were afraid of finding him biting you and sucking your blood in the middle of the night, could you?

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