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Warning: could be too violent or too gruesome to some younger audiences. Rated: PG-13

Calum: You look down from your position in the tree watching as a group of teens chatter below just passing through. “Pssssst.” You hear faintly. You look around frantically but go back to watching the people below. “Pssssst.” You hear again, you turn around to look at where the sound came from and spot a teenage boy. He smiles and waves cheekily at you from another tree. You frown at him furrowing your eyebrows turning back around to watch the teens disappear from your sight. “Pssssst.” You turn around again to look at the boy, “what??” you whispered back. “Help me,” he mouthed then smiled. What is with this boy? You thought climbing down from your tree jogging quietly over to where he was and climbing up. You come face to face with the boy, “what is it, Calum?” “I needed company,” he told you. “Calum! This is no time to be fooling around we are in a life or death situation here,” you say practically almost yelling at him. He took a hold of your hand, “when we die we can’t be with each other anymore so might as well take the chance and be together now.” You smiled and sat on the branch next to him resting your head on his shoulder. The next thing you saw was an arrow coming at you rapidly hitting you straight in the chest. You gasp. Falling back. All you hear is the faint calling of Calum high above in the tree “YYY/NNN!!” Darkness.

Michael: Everything was in slow motion. You screamed as you saw a spear flying through the air as it hit Michael in the leg. As a reflex you threw your knife at the girl in which the direction the spear came from allowing the knife to sink into her face making her fall back. You run up to Michael lying in the leaves. You sit next to his leg examining it in panic not knowing what to do. Blood oozing. You just kinda hover your hands over the stick in his leg. “I… uhm… Michael, I…” you stuttered. He groans in pain shutting his eyes. “Just pull it out, y/n.” “Michael, with things like this you’re supposed to leave them in.” “PULL THE DAMN THING OUT I HAVE MEDICINE.” You gulped wrapping your hands around the long wooden pole. Michael winces at the small movement. He shoves a cloth into his mouth to muffle his screams as you are about to pull the spear out. You count to three in your head before pulling it out. “UUUUUURRRRGGGHHH!” was all you heard from Michael while he gripped the leaves and grass around him with his hands. All of a sudden his body relaxes when the spear is finally taken out of him. “Michael?” you look up at his face, he looks peaceful. Eyes closed. “Michael??” you repeat cupping his face with your hands softly slapping his cheek, “Michael, wake up!” You grab his bag and rummage through it grabbing the medicine before taking a lump of it and putting it on his wound. Cupping his face in your hands again he slowly starts to open his eyes again. “Oh thank god,” you said before smashing your lips to his, him kissing you back immediately, “I thought I lost you.” He smirks, “you won’t lose me, I’m right here next to you forever and always. Thank you.”

Luke: “Luke! You’re losing too much blood!” you exclaim trying cover the rapidly bleeding wound on his hip. You look up at his face seeing his eyes starting to droop. “No Luke! Keep your eyes open!” He cups your face in his hands with all the strength left within him. “Go on without me,” he says quietly, “do it for the district. Do it for me.” “Luke you can’t go now. You’re gonna make it, Luke!” You sob crying into his chest as the life in his face is slowly fading. You feel him stroking your hair; you give him a soft kiss on the lips. “I love you,” he says before his hand falls from your face going limp and eyes now closed completely. A loud bang goes off in the distance. “No. nonono,” you whisper lightly stroking his face. You stand up slowly thinking this is for Luke. You stand on both feet even stronger than you were before. This is for Luke you repeat in your head. The last tear rolls down your face as you kiss your hand and put three fingers into the air. With that, you run off killing anything in your sight. Your only motive is Luke even if you know you won’t see him again you’re doing it for him. Seeking vengeance. To make him proud and to make sure he didn’t die for no reason. You came into these games as a scared teenager, now you have won and step out of this hell of a game as a strong woman.

Ashton: You run around frantically, “Ashton!?” you call out. “Over here!” you hear faintly. You run towards the voice and find Ashton hanging upside down by his feet with a rope. You pull out your knife. “Wait, don’t cut it yet,” he tells you, “I have yet to share an upside down kiss.” He smiles. “Ashton! Now’s not the time, someone is coming!” you say. “Awwe…” he says clearly disappointed. You sigh rolling your eyes as you give him a quick kiss before throwing your knife at the rope above him cutting straight through the rope making Ashton fall to the ground with a thud. He groans rolling on the ground in pain, “it was worth it though.” He said. You help him up but as soon as he stands on his feet someone has already arrived. You and Ashton simultaneously draw your arrows and release aiming at the intruder hitting him square in the chest and another at his neck. The intruder falling back in a gasp. “That kiss wasn’t long enough,” Ashton say grabbing your waist and smashing his lips to yours. You smile into the kiss while another intruder comes out from behind the bushes. Still kissing you throw your knife again letting the knife slice through their neck. Ashton pulls away, “wow, two people down already! We make a great team!”



Thought it was different. This is it for the night~ Amaya

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